
  1. tintininis


    So this year my attendance has been on a roller coaster but, as of today my record for the past 9 months only has 2 occasions. However My sup took my case to panel the last call in I did and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I’ve gotten a few he said she said and a 1 day suspension a while...
  2. Y

    In a bad situation at the job. Need some help

    So I'll just get right to it. They said I'm getting a third warning letter and a 3 day suspension (rightfully so I'll say) but after they told me a couple days passed and they never did. Right after that whole fiasco happened I had some huge family problems and I haven't been to work in a week...
  3. B

    Is a suspension or warning letter required before being fired for attendance?

    just wondering because i have been working here as an unloader for 3 years with 2 jobs and going to school, lately my attendance has been shotty due to various issues. the last time i was spoken to about my attendance i was on my 4th infraction. i really do need and care about the job but i...
  4. H

    Do lates affect potential hire for driver?

    I am a part-time twilight package handler on irreg belt, their are only 4 of us including me on their. We are great workers and easily work the hardest in the building, I have now been there for over a year and signed the sheet for package car driver. So last month in March I had filled it out...
  5. D

    attendance question

    So i just called off right now cause i have a fever and strep throat and my sup texted me that i will be getting a warning letter. my fevers calming down but my throat still continues to hurt like a buddyh. if i call off again will that make things worse? or will i still just get a warning...