
  1. O

    PT Package Center Supervisor Salaries

    I have been working for UPS for 22 years I currently make $25 an hour and am paid based on 27 and a 1/2 hours. I believe I am underpaid and curious what others make and how long they have been with the company. My location is Phoenix AZ.
  2. S

    No hire back after almost a decade.

    I worked as a Custom Broker at the UPS Brokerage operation from 1998 until I returned to full-time studies in 2008. During my 10 years at UPS I successfully obtained a Canadian Society of Certified Customer Broker designation and was advanced to a senior department, had no disciplinary issues...
  3. O

    Last minute schedule changes

    Is it legal? Policy states that schedule changes must be made with at least 24 hours notice, but it also states they can cut your hours completely for the day with at least 1 hour notice. I'm a midday, 11-2000 more or less, sometimes 1000 start sometimes earlier. But for 6 months, and...