UPS (NYSE:UPS) today announced it has ordered 14 Boeing 747-8 cargo jets and four new Boeing 767 aircraft to provide additional capacity in response to accelerating demand for the company’s air services. All of the new aircraft will be added to the existing fleet and no existing aircraft are...
Another incident of a driver being held up and the truck stolen, at 10:30pm. This happened to a driver out of the Roswell building, Marietta Center side. This could have been a lot worse, stay safe out there, hopefully someone doesn’t have to die before UPS gets slammed with overworking...
truck held up
truck stolen
ups driver
ups drivers
ups truck
ups truck held up
ups truck stolen
ups trucks
I currently have a CDL and drive for Publix supermarkets...Im interested in a FT package delivery driver in Tampa or surrounding area but was told it is hard to get hired from the outside but possible....Any tips/ideas or somewhere I can call to try and get my app pulled? Cant work PT in the...
ive been commuting over 2 hours everyday and I just recently had my son. Does anybody know how I can transfer to another hub with having to wait on the transfer waiting list so I can get to a closer location?
I am interested in applying for a seasonal driver helper position. However, I am concerned about the background check. I currently have no conviction of any kind on my record, but I do have a pending criminal charge (a felony, but not theft or burglary). Do you think I have a chance?
Who makes the decision on who to keep/hire after holidays are over and how do they decide? I was told last year they kept 54 people after season was over.
Does ups normally still hire peak season PTsrs past January 15th 2017? Applying for a PH job and the acknowledgment is stating the position is only until or before January 31st 2018.
So in talking with a pretty savvy, seemingly pretty smart center manager, told me he believes the main purpose of Orion is so that if the union decides to strike again, they'll have the software in place to just hire off the streets for half of what they pay us, and then tell the union to take a...
I am going to try to compile a faq page for all new hires.
New UPSers, feel free to post your questions here in this thread if you haven't found your answer elsewhere.
car washer
full time
health benefits
human resources
new employee
new employees
new hire
new hires
package handler
pay scale
pt car washer
ups employees