
  1. H

    My hours are driving me crazy and I don't know what to do.

    For context I only started almost a year ago so I'm fairly new. I've been getting called in to work my local sort (5:30pm-9:00pm) then sometimes preload (3AM-8:00AM). Somedays I drive 8am-6pm then be expected to MAYBE work preload 3am the next day. So im summary I have to stay available all day...
  2. O

    PT Package Center Supervisor Salaries

    I have been working for UPS for 22 years I currently make $25 an hour and am paid based on 27 and a 1/2 hours. I believe I am underpaid and curious what others make and how long they have been with the company. My location is Phoenix AZ.
  3. Bob Saget

    No work as qualifying driver

    Hi all, just started at UPS. I was a seasonal for about a month then was asked to become permanent about two months ago. Here’s the deal, in those two months I’ve worked a total of 7 days. I was getting some hours as local sort here and there but that came to an end about three weeks ago...
  4. T

    Centennial shifts

    I am currently waiting for hands on test for pe maintenance mechanic at centennial hub. I am scheduled later this month. I am wondering in anyone could give me any information on shifts there. The hiring department said they think that they’re rotating but didn’t get any other information. I...
  5. J

    Who do I contact to find out how many hours I worked last year?

    I need it for an unemployment claim. I worked about a month over the summer. I called the number they gave me for HR and left a message last week, but they never called me back.
  6. C

    Transferring part timer question.

    Is there any way to find out what hours a shift runs from at a different hub? I’m moving this summer to Boise, ID or Salt Lake City, UT to finish school. I would like to see what each hubs preload schedule is like to help make the decision.
  7. N

    “On Topic “ hours/pay guarantee ?

    Been driving for 1.5 years roughly and I love the job. But this last week I wasn’t put on route for 4 days in a row and I seen drivers with less seniority working everyday. I understand I could bump any of them off route to work but I should be in it before these guys. Only 1 rookie is training...
  8. Indecisi0n

    Time card app

    The time card app I use to use is no longer supported. What phone app do you use to keep track of your hours ?
  9. F

    The ship is sinking.... how many missed?

    Today was the worst day I seen in my career. Had to have been 1000 at the minimum missed in my center before the drivers even hit 14hr curfew just from lib. Tons of drivers all pulling in right at 14hr with more missed. I'm curious of our centers grand total today. I hit 14... brought back...
  10. A

    Temp cover driver days worked guestion

    So I'm a temp cover driver running tuesday through saturday but I was asked to come in on moday (which I did). Because of this can I request saturday off or are they gonna throw the "if your under 60 hours you're working saturday" bull:censored:?
  11. Gooner

    Mondays are easy now!?

    I have been working tues-sat for about 6 weeks now. Came in today to get some extra hours. The route that im covering is normally 120-160 stops and roughly 12 pickups on any given day. Today— 80 stops. Have you guys who started Saturday ground noticed a drop in Monday’s volume as well?
  12. 2

    "On Topic" Is my pay right?

    two questions, is there a limitation to the amount of time that can go by before a noticing and reporting a paycheck error i.e. missing hours? And I'm pretty sure my pay rate is incorrect. I've been working at ups 2 years 10 months and only make $12 and that is suppose to include the skilled...
  13. TibblesBRC

    Hazmat auditor class

    My full time soup asked me if I'd like to do a hazmat auditor class to replace my hubs hazmat auditor who was in a car wreck and won't be back for a while. I said yes, and my classes are coming up. They are 9am to 6pm Tue through Fri, but I'm worried. I have to take my niece to daycare on...
  14. O

    Last minute schedule changes

    Is it legal? Policy states that schedule changes must be made with at least 24 hours notice, but it also states they can cut your hours completely for the day with at least 1 hour notice. I'm a midday, 11-2000 more or less, sometimes 1000 start sometimes earlier. But for 6 months, and...