
  1. PackageGhoul

    Proper introduction -- First Post.

    Not everyone can leave a positive first impression through their writing.. But, I hope my attempt is close. I don't feel comfortable giving out too much information about myself or the HUB I work at due to some of the policies in place when it comes to posting online. So I will introduce myself...
  2. Brownarttannery

    First full week after getting hired, when do I start?

    Hi, I'm jozz. I just got hired last week, today is going to be the second weekday after I've been hired and I was wondering when I'm going to be assigned some work and where can I find said assignments on desktop/mobile. I have textreach, but I wanna make sure I know how to work these alternate...
  3. HarmoniHalo

    Greetings from the dumb, I MEAN the "SMART" hub

    Hi, I'm Harmoni. I've been with UPS once as a preloader a few years ago and now again as a belt tender from almost a year now. About to start training so I can go cover driver and I'm cautiously excited about it. Following in my dad's footsteps. UPS is great for the money and I dont mind my area...