new driver helper

  1. K

    ADP Registration and MDA App

    Hello! I'm new and my first day is November 15th,2021 as a driver helper. I was trying to set up my ADP account for my pay card and MDA on my phone. When trying to register for ADP, it says that my information can't be found in their records and to try again, even with all the correct...
  2. F

    Driver helper haven’t worked yet

    I’m a driver helper and I completed my online training a few days ago. I was told that I would be called in the morning around 8-8:30 by the dispatcher about when and where to meet my driver. I was called once a couple days ago to come to the Ups employee parking to get picked up by my driver...
  3. NEnewbie

    New driver helper - not getting any calls from dispatch? Other issues..

    Hello all. I was hired at the end of November as a seasonal driver helper. I was hired immediately and attended the paid orientation. I am a very motivated worker and I feel that was reflected during my brief interview. I told the woman in HR that I am "Ready to bust my ass" for this job. She...