pension offer retirement

  1. B

    UPS Pension Plan Rolled Into IRA!? HELP making no sense

    Very confused! basically I worked as a full-time driver for 15 years between 2007-2022. I'm vested and credited with 14.7yrs service (which should be over 15 but that's another issue) anyway here I am 2 yrs after being fired and I get this letter in the mail saying my UPS pension plan has been...
  2. M

    Retirement calculator - Pension Estimated

    Do you get more than what’s calculated in retirement calculator or is estimated calculation pretty much accurate?
  3. D

    Special Pension Payment Offer - how often?

    I moved and was out of the country for a while last year and missed out on a Special Pension Payment Offer. For certain reasons I thought the lump sum payment made sense for me. I wanted to take advantage of it but I wasn't able to take action soon enough and it expired on November 16, 2019. I...