UPS drivers using personal vehicles, moving trucks to make deliveries - KWTX
The next time you order a package from UPS, it could be delivered by someone driving a vehicle other than the usual brown truck.
With the increase in shipping this holiday season, some workers are using their personal...
There was an article in yesterdays paper about a Mn. couple who is getting all kinds of stuff (including sex toys) they never ordered. They have done everything up to and including going to the police to get it to stop but the packages keep coming.
I am a seasonal pvd (personal vehicle delivery) driver in texas for UPS. I started about a month ago as a driver helper and after 2 days was put as a pvd. I recieved on the mail today a Teamster-UPS National 401(k) tax differed savings plan packet. I would assume this means that I will be kept...
UPS Warns of Temporary Delays After Cyber Monday Overwhelms Network
"Online orders on Cyber Monday, Nov. 27, and the days after overwhelmed expectations, UPS spokesman Steve Gaut said Dec. 5, causing a “bubble” to develop at certain package centers. Heavy volumes forced one- or two-day delays...
It may seem counter intuitive, and I live in a high tax state, but as a long term investor and retirement planner, I say screw the college students.
Abney supports the House tax reform bill:
UPS Commends Senate On Release Of Tax Reform Bill That Will Stimulate Economic Growth
USPS reports a...
full time
full time driver
full time drivers
part time
part timer
part timers
ups driver
ups drivers