
  1. T

    Confirmed first day of Orientation gone on application???

    I was suppose to start at ups this Monday and now when I go to my application on the website, it tells me I need to schedule my first day of work... Two days prior my original orientation date. Does this happen? Should I show up on the original date listed or what?
  2. AsweetGirl

    Must Be This Tall to...

    So I'm wondering what ups does for those hired that are a little shorter than average? Do they provide a step stool? What if an employees arms are not long enough to reach across the belt if needed or even preload a car? Will this person receive special accommodations to enable the ability...
  3. N


    I just joined this to post my question, let me know if I'm in the wrong forum or something. I sold a pair of shoes on an app called GOAT. You confirm your sale, and they send you a prepaid shipping label. You bring the package with the label to UPS, they ship it out, everything's good. I...