
  1. N

    In an odd spot (Retro pay)

    I recently left UPS, before doing so I filed a grievance for not getting my full raise. Will I ever see any of this retro pay without a fight? Also, off topic from that.. If you are considered on-call and don’t receive a phone call before start time, is it considered a no-call-no-show...
  2. D

    Preloader Vacation Time Issue

    Hello, I am in a bit of a bind. I am a preloader at my cities highest volume facility. Im one of the best loaders I get 0 misloads most weeks. Management seems to love me and I always go do whatever extra they tell me to do (go pull an area, sort, help pd, slide.) and still am the first to wrap...
  3. A

    Senority Date/ Vacation time earned

    Hello everyone, I have quite a conflict going on here! I recently on January 1st quit UPS to go to Fedex. Ultimately due to life changes I decided to come back to UPS for the guaranteed hours and better benefits. I would have reached my 5 years in July which means 3 weeks of vacation instead of...
  4. K

    What exactly happens with a part time 5 year vested pension? Is it worth it to get just a 5 year pension?

    I'm a package handler and I have worked at UPS since Peak 2015, I recently graduated from university and got a day job and am trying to start a career. However, I am only 5 months and 400 hours away from getting my 5 years of 750. Today I got in an argument with my FT Sup over a warning letter...
  5. B

    Quitting Monday, am I in the wrong?

    Hello so I was hired on as a seasonal night shift loader in early November. Well I had always thought of UPS as a future career so I knew hard work was a part of it, not the issue. I routinely feel my supes aren't listening to me but just trying to verbally please me and not taking action...
  6. J

    Been working for UPS for only 2 months and am already considering quitting my job as a preloader.

    It's only been two months and I've already just had it up to here with the idiots in management. I'm already having a bit of difficulty getting along with one supervisor(who's your typical :censored:bag UPS supervisor). He's already threatened to fire me before peak season if I don't meet up his...
  7. C

    Advice on if I should leave UPS or not

    Hey all Im going into my 3rd week on the job preloading at UPS and I gotta say I'm hating it. I'm not one to quit things, I never have before but this is really getting to me. I love a faced paced work environment cause I don't enjoy being paid to sit on my ass like some retail jobs I had but...
  8. A

    Just a quick question about leaving UPS

    I've recently decided to leave the company after about 2 years. I've never been part of a union, and I just wanna know how I go about, or am I eligible for filing Unemployment. Thank you for any help.