
  1. P

    Route Bidding Issues

    So I have a question for any and all out there about Management and bidding out routes. I can never get a straight answer, nor find anything in the Teamsters book so I figured I would reach out to the community. We have a few routes in a center in Arizona and management hasn't bid them out in...
  2. A

    Full time lay off options

    I’m a full time package driver but the lowest in seniority and work has slowed down so there are no routes for me.. I’ve been working both preload and sort to get my 8.. we have 2 part time air routes every day and I’m being told I can’t take either one because it’s strictly for air drivers...
  3. IESucks

    Hope IE has to run routes when we strike

    It would be great if IE had to run routes when the strike comes to fully appreciate their planning.Ill wave when you come in about 10 pm and watch your faces when you arrive the next morning to do it again.
  4. B

    Being harassed for overallowed

    I’m a new driver (less than 1 yr) I’ve been told multiple times by different sups that I was promoted as a “scratch” driver and I need to scratch EVERY day. And if I don’t it’s going to be a problem for me. I know I shouldn’t worry about their numbers but I really just want to stay off the radar...
  5. UrFellowUpser

    Been messing up lately

    This job is hard gosh... A couple a days ago i messed up someones yard by getting stuck in it out in the country. I told my manager about it as soon as it happened. I dont think i will get charged but i cantacted the customer and we agreed that i will fix the wrong on the weekend. Prior to that...
  6. K

    I know it’s a driving job but how much do you really commute a day? Not including route

    If i am new and work out of the depo that’s in the town i live in, how common is it to get sent to another depo in a different city? or do routes that are very far from where you live?
  7. H

    Need Some Advice

    You're probably rolling your eyes because it seems like every PT worker come here to complain. I have a situation and I'm not sure how to handle it. I work preload in a small town. Our building is pretty small. Just two belts for loading and one sort isle of maybe 5 workers. I have been in my...
  8. Y

    8 hour 24hr notice

    so im Tuesday-Sat.. get a message Friday afternoon saying I’m working Monday. So I turn a 8hour request in at (7:32pm Friday) for Monday. Is this 24 hour notice?
  9. U

    Should I still pursue this career or will it be a waste if my time to wait until im 21?

    I am currently 19 years old too young to be a driver for ups which is 21. I got into an auto accident on December of 2017. I was t-boned by another driver who was distracted while driving but it ended up being my fault because I was blocking her right of way. I got a minor ticket for failure to...

    Uber-ish Autonomous Delivery Vehicle

    I think Abney just straightened out his pleats !!!! Self-driving delivery truck from Udelv begins public beta - Video
  11. B

    Why do we load everyone down when the weather is

    Please tell me why we load drivers down with over 10 hours worth of work, on a perfect day, when the weather is bad? We used to expand the routes and give the drivers the extra time we need to make service and clean the send agains up! Now we load every driver up with impossible loads and...
  12. B

    UPS INNOVATIONS The new surepost?

    Anyone else seeing these on their routes? I see 5-10 on my route everyday.
  13. S

    Saturday Ground

    Every route had 260+ stops with commercials. 2 of our drivers had 8hr days. 5 call ins. Personally can’t wait to see how many missed we can bring back lol
  14. X

    What's so hard to get?

    Let me start off by saying that I'm a fairly new driver. This is my second peak that I've been a part of. With that being said, it mind boggles me how a company of this satire can be so ran so poorly. It's like they don't even try when it comes to peak. Yet the boast about delivering boxes for...
  15. Gooner

    Mondays are easy now!?

    I have been working tues-sat for about 6 weeks now. Came in today to get some extra hours. The route that im covering is normally 120-160 stops and roughly 12 pickups on any given day. Today— 80 stops. Have you guys who started Saturday ground noticed a drop in Monday’s volume as well?
  16. B

    Going out blind.

    What's the rule, if any, on management forcing package drivers out on routes that they have not been trained on?
  17. M

    Need help with satellite route

    Hey guys. Before I get started, please try not to slam me. I'm wanting to do the right thing and want advise from you guys. I was forced to run a satellite route 2 and 1/2 years ago. I drive approx 30 minutes to the sight where my truck is to load up. At first, I had decent weeks. A couple of...
  18. JL 0513

    Late air - Is this widespread? What's going on?

    For the past 2 months, we've had late air 2-3 times a week, every week. Either requiring on road meets or waiting in the building for a half hour. The "normal" frequency is more like a late air day once every 2-3 weeks (at least in my center). I'm in the northeast. Is this a problem stemming all...
  19. M

    Drivers that slip you off routes when you come to help

  20. AutoZone

    Heard it thru the grapevine...

    So in talking with a pretty savvy, seemingly pretty smart center manager, told me he believes the main purpose of Orion is so that if the union decides to strike again, they'll have the software in place to just hire off the streets for half of what they pay us, and then tell the union to take a...