
  1. E

    New Contract and Benefits for PT Pre-Load Sorter

    Hi my name is Grace and I work as a part time pre-load sorter at the facility in Chantilly, VA. I was told by HR when I was hired that I would begin to accrue sick leave, vacation leave, and personal time after 9 months with the new contract. Well I'm quickly closing in on my first anniversary...
  2. ClassicFumbles

    Are sorters required to load?

    I have been with UPS for 2 years now. I consider myself to be a good employee. I always come to work with a good attitude and work ethic. I worked as a package handler for a while, stayed in one area in the outbounds the whole time. Very seldom on a crappy night, we’d have to go help out another...
  3. J

    New hire- what is the "no pull/sorter "position?

    What are the pros and cons and what should I look out for. I am going through the training phase right now and just wanted to know what to expect so I could be a little ahead of the game. Any experiences would be greatly appreciated.

    My sup's are hinting to me that I should be a supervisor. But I am a bit paranoid it.

    Hello fellow present and former UPSers. I have schizophrenia. I know that probably doesn't matter, but for me it does. I don't want to get into details, but I've dealt with bullying in the past at UPS and still do a bit. I'm a Package Handler. I don't think people like me there, well they think...
  5. D

    Sort Test

    I am studying to take the sort test for Swan Island Night primary sort and am trying to confirm that I am studying the correct info or if I have been wasting my time and need to reevaluate before I take the test and do I just need to know what zip goes to what belt or are there also...