
  1. Red Devil

    Surepost Shortcut

    Been meaning to post this for a little while. Some drivers I know who have a post office on their routes have casually mentioned “dumping surepost” on heavy days aka going through the truck at the post office and delivering all surepost packages to the PO even if they are in the EDD as a normal...
  2. cheryl

    UPS hikes SurePost rates to match USPS peak surcharges

    UPS hikes SurePost rates to match USPS peak surcharges - Freight Waves UPS Inc. (NYSE:UPS) said it will increase rates by 24 cents on all parcels moving under its SurePost parcel-induction product with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), effective Oct. 18. The per-parcel increase matches a 24-cent...
  3. IJustWorkHere


    Tomorrow I’ve been asked to come in at 8:30 to do a SurePost Run to the post office . I’ve never done it before . What exactly is it ? I normally take the Air Shuttle to the airport & there’s a time frame on that . Is there a timeframe with SurePost ? The center manager didn’t give me much info...
  4. westin

    Article 22 delivering SurePost

    Can Article 22 deliver SurePost ?
  5. cheryl

    Does UPS Surepost Deliberately Sabotage the United States Postal Service?

    Does UPS Surepost Deliberately Sabotage the United States Postal Service? - ToughNickel Can Big Brown Harpoon Big Blue? I don't think it comes as a major revelation that United Parcel Service (UPS), sometimes known as Big Brown for that strange shade called Pullman Brown that resembles nothing...