
  1. S


    One of my buddys got a DUI last year and UPS made him join SAP program and he just got a second DUI this year. Both off the job. He was terminated and has to go to panel in Dec. Has anyone had to go through this? What should he expect at panel?
  2. cheryl

    UPS worker seen on racist rant footage while delivering to a Latino household has been terminated

    UPS worker seen on racist rant footage while delivering to a Latino household has been terminated - NBC News A UPS driver who went on a racist rant while delivering a package to a Latino household in Milwaukee several days before Christmas Day has been terminated, a company spokesperson told...
  3. M

    Terminated for not grievancing working termination on time

    Worked for UPS for 21 years , 9 yrs part-time 11 yrs PKG driver , so I just felt like discussing my situation ,I was moving some stuff in my garage and I found this nice looking plaque presented to me and it says "As a symbol of sincere appreciation for loyal service for over 20 years" sign by...
  4. T

    How long can they keep you on the preload?

    I have a 2nd job that starts at 10 sharp and it's a 20 minute drive. I can't stay past 9:30 and when I tell them I need to go they get all irritated with me. I signed up for work until 9 though?
  5. Z

    Does anyone have problems with the payroll and HR

    I was working there and got illegitimatley terminated and after 5 weeks of working there I still haven't gotten my paycheck for my first week of work. I was working out the San Bruno hub. I got terminated by Ernesto because help said I was as all employees are obligated to do overtime. I was...
  6. Gooner

    Latest start time this peak?

    10:15 am today. Everyone is loaded up ready but standing around waiting for air. What’s the latest UPS has kept you in the building this year?
  7. B


    I was wondering if management does not care for a person for personal reasons what are some loop holes that they can use to get him fired even though he comes in on time and does his job?
  8. M

    Dog hit

    I hit a dog that ran into the street. I stopped got out and talk to the lady. I had no idea I had to call it in as an accident. They terminated for not reporting an accident. I have a clean record with UPS. Is there anybody else that has been in my situation?
  9. UPS2012

    Dish Network Call Tags

    What does everybody do with Dish Network Call Tags? Do you hit not found, refused on the first attempt, or other stuff?
  10. U

    Cardinal sin termination

    Has anyone heard of someone getting their job back after termination of a cardinal sin? Husband was just terminated after just being told he got ft driving. Idiot took a video game that fell out of the box last week and they just fired him last night. I'm terrified. We have two small kids, a...
  11. R

    Terminated for dishonesty....

    i was terminated for dishonesty. Story: I futured 6 packages (businesses) that I was not going to make. I futured them for the next day. Next morning I show up and my shop steward tells me they want to walk me out, tells me bc I futured these 6 packages. I had a meeting and they asked me if it...