
  1. D

    Human resources lexington

    Can anybody please give me the number for human resources, my boyfriend is seasonal there and for locked up on Friday. He was supposed to go in Saturday at 10am. Pretty sure hes fired but he needs the number to HR so that I can turn in his uniforms and see if I can pick up his last check since...
  2. Tom MacDonald

    Is there really a possibility of a strike?

    If so why? I mean I understand this place sucks and everyone is overworked constantly but is there anything in particular that we are going to strike about? I don't understand what's different now than any other time I've worked here the past nearly 4 years
  3. JackDR

    UPS joining 21st century anytime soon?

    Just a couple inquiries: 1) Our uniforms are extremely outdated & not made for the current task at hand. Anybody know of anticipated release of new driver uniforms? 2) Personal dress & appearance policy is a joke. Policies need to change with the times. I can maintain a clean professional...
  4. What'dyabringmetoday???

    How can UPS make you work six days...

    ...when they only provide five uniforms? Lol.
  5. B

    Ups driver helper helppppp

    we don’t get uniforms this year bc last year peak season helpers didn’t return sooo what exactly do I wear they didn’t tell us , help I start tomorrow :sad-very:
  6. SupermanofTX


    Our way out of date uniforms are ridiculous. Just stand next to a FedEx driver sometime. Look at his/her uniform, then look down at yours. Ridiculous!!! We look like polyester TURDS! Please don't reply and tell me to go work at FedEx then. I love UPS. And in this day and age, were still...