Just a heads up if you received an email saying there was a change in your direct deposit information from UPS. Do not freak out. UPS has made the decision to no longer give out physical paper copi6of checks for people who get direct deposit. No other inf6was changed
So who on BC is ready for the coming second civil war AKA Boogaloo
Trump rails against windmills: 'I never understood wind'
What exactly is his obsession with Windmills?
Has Trump been bought out by the powerful cat lobby?
Cats kill up to 3.7B birds annually
"USDA vs. Trump" a real conspiracy theory in farm country
So now we are supposed to believe the USDA is conspiring to sabotage the Trump presidency .
He is screwing over the American farmers with his trade war and biofuel waivers for big oil refineries and they blame the USDA, and not Trump who...
Stephen Miller’s 3rd grade teacher suspended for revealing he used to eat glue
Maybe he got toxic brain damage from eating too much glue as kid, but the more I read about him the less I like him
Since Melania Trump is in the hospital , and it is a known fact that Trump will cheat on her whenever she is in the hospital (Stormy Daniels). Who do you think Trump with shack up with