a dead woman and unborn child in Ohio


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I just wonder why, this keeps me awake at night.
He has one child with her, he is married, this is his fourth child with 3 different women, he is a law enforcement officer.

Why would a woman have a second child with a known loser. A beautiful young woman, killed at a most vulnerable time 8 1/2 months pregnant. Took a real man to take her on while she slept, and his 2 yr old son witnessed it and was left alone for 2 days!!
I have a hard time with this. And its so close to home. He was on probation when he was hired by the Canton Ohio pd how does that happen?

Jessie Davis' Body Found, Boyfriend Charged

The body of a nine-months-pregnant Ohio woman was found a week after she disappeared from her home and her boyfriend has been arrested and charged with two counts of murder in the deaths of Jessie Davis and her unborn child. The arrest of Canton policeman Bobby Cutts Jr. was announced shortly after searchers found the body of Davis in a National Park.
The Canton Repository newspaper reported that Cutts confessed to killing 26-year-old Davis and led authorities to her body in Cuyahoga Valley National Park.
Earlier today, Stark County Sheriff Tim Swanson told the Beacon Journal that Cutts, 30, confessed to being involved in the death of Davis and claimed a second person was also involved.
An Unborn Child
Davis, who was nine months' pregnant with a daughter she planned to named Chloe, had not been heard from since June 13, when her mother talked to her. Two days later, her mother found Davis' 2-year-old son alone in her home, where bedroom furniture was in disarray and bleach splashed on the floor.
Cutts, who is married, is the father of Davis' son Blake and her unborn daughter, family members said.
Thousands of volunteers searched for her body since Thursday, combing the area around her home. Because Davis was scheduled to give birth July 3, her disappearance captured national attention.


Staff member
Sick, isn't it. They tried to fire him a couple of years ago, but the union got his job back. Did I just hear on the news of another pregnant woman being killed?

News this morning said murder is the leading cause of death of pregnant women. That's a really sick thing.

The world in decay.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I forget who said it, coulda been that "racist " furman guy from the OJ trial. Before he was arrested he said 'what he said at the interview was nothing, compared to what his actions said" He didnt help search, he didnt go check on why his child wasnt brought to him, first he said she, she was suppose to drop him off, no phone calls or house check to see why that didnt happen, he was suppose to pick him up her mom said, and 2 days later she goes and finds this 2 yr old alone!! It just makes me ill. We only see the high profile cases, peterson coz they all had money I guess, this one coz he was a cop I guess, and had an affair with a girl who turned out to have dated a high profile athlete, shawn Kemp, I have no idea what sport. How many others are there??
Jesses Dad seems to be out of the media, although he was there as he divorced Jesses mom a few yrs ago, and quit his job so he didnt have to pay alimony. WEll hell Yea, at least he didnt kill her. Thats the American way, this is just pure evil!!


Well-Known Member
The state of Ohio does a great job when setting bond, to ensure there is no way for the accused to get out.

I'm sure his fellow inmates will take care of him, while he's in custody, if he is allowed in a public area.

Ohio Slaying Suspect Held On $5M Bond

(AP) CANTON, Ohio A police officer accused of killing his pregnant girlfriend and her nearly full-term fetus made his first court appearance Monday and was ordered held on $5 million bond.

Bobby Cutts Jr., 30, was expressionless as a judge reviewed his case. He stood behind a window separating him from the courtroom, with his girlfriend's family seated a few feet away.

Jessie Davis, 26, was missing for about a week before her body was found Saturday in a park. Cutts is the father of her 2-year-old son, and Davis' relatives have said he is the father of the baby girl she was due to deliver July 3 and planned to name Chloe.

Davis' mother, Patricia Porter, stood in the front row of the courtroom and stared at Cutts as he surveyed the audience.

"I'm not sitting down when I see Bobby Cutts," Porter said later. "I wanted to make sure he knew I was there."

Porter stood again when one of Cutts' former high school classmates appeared in front of the judge.

Myisha Ferrell, 29, is accused of lying to investigators about the case. She was ordered held on $500,000 bond.

Cutts' attorney, Bradley Iams, declined to discuss details of the charges against his client or anything Cutts said to him during the court appearance. He said it was too early to say whether a trial would have to be moved out of Stark County, and that he was not surprised by the bond amount.

Cutts, arrested Saturday, is accused of killing Davis and the fetus June 14 at her home in nearby Lake Township.

Davis' mother last spoke to her daughter a day before authorities say she was killed. Davis was reported missing after the mother found her grandson home alone, with bedroom furniture toppled and bleach spilled on the floor. The boy, Blake, gave investigators some of their first clues, saying: "Mommy was crying. Mommy broke the table. Mommy's in rug."

Her body was found nine days after authorities believe she was killed. Determining the cause of death will take weeks because of advanced decomposition, the medical examiner's office said Monday. The office will test the paternity of the fetus, and conduct toxicology and DNA tests and a skeletal analysis.

Ohio law allows a murder charge against someone accused of killing a fetus that would be able to live outside the womb.

Authorities have not said how the body was found was found about 25 miles from Davis' home in an area of a national park with a dirt road, a small dirt parking area and a couple of benches overlooking a grassy field. Thousands of volunteers searched for Davis for several days in the area around her home.

The sheriff's office, which is leading the investigation, has not released further information about the obstruction of justice charge against Ferrell, who was arrested Sunday. Her attorney did not comment to reporters after the hearing.

Cutts, on administrative leave with the police department, is married and has a daughter with his wife. He has said he and his wife are separated and that she knew about his relationship with Davis.

Cutts also has a 9-year-old daughter with another woman, Nikki Giavasis, who now lives in Los Angeles. The two lived together for a while, but when she began seeing another man in 1998, Cutts was accused of breaking into her home while she was inside with former NBA player Shawn Kemp of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Cutts pleaded no contest to a disorderly conduct charge and was sentenced to three years' probation. Giavasis told police she feared for her safety. The pair are involved in a custody dispute.

Giavasis told The Associated Press they were together about four months, and confrontations began after she broke off their relationship. Giavasis said the two had several physical confrontations.


Senior Member
All I can add is, lock me in a room with anyone who could do such a thing.
When you hear, "OK, you can unlock the door". Please unlock the door because I would be the only one walking out of that room.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what people these days have been taught at home. Anything about respect and values? Or that half of all marriages end in divorce? Or that bankruptcys are not uncommon because people can't control their spending?

Makes you wonder. God knows what things are coming to, but for one thing, I think people are becoming more and more self centered and not taking responsibilities for their actions.

There is so much of a deadbeat dad syndrome that when they finally find the guy, they confiscate his drivers license and garnish his wages forever. And there are an awful lot of single dads out there too, because moms are also bailing.

But for the Scott Petersons and the Bobby Cutts, we wonder why they didn't just walk away. I think it's pure selfishness. Here comes a pregnancy, with huge emotional and financial responsibilities. There's the child support, the alimony, and that kid you don't want who will just take up more of your time and money as he gets older.
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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Thanks Channahon for posting the article. I guess I was too distraught after watching it on local news to articulate the facts. It pretty much tells it all.

Most of us here are parents, and the grief all the families must be experiencing because of his selfishness, and maniacal behavior, leaves me numb.

One family has lost a son, one a daughter, and both a grandchild. One child has a dead mommy, and a father who killed her. 2 other children have a father that is a murderer. How sickening. Im sure that he could have gotten out of the support by saying simply 'Ill walk away" "and never bother you or the kids again" I would take that, over getting killed or harassed by that monster the rest of my life. Prayers to all involved.


Well-Known Member
You're right, this is just pure evil! In fact it's selfishness at a brand new level!!!:sad:

No one ever can imagine the pain from something like this and anyone who has any feelings whatsoever can never ever understand why something like this could ever happen.

My sympathies go to the family members and friends affected by this.

Oh, and one more thing. May he fry in HELL!!!:devil:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Frying in hell is too good. May the rest of his days, be spent watching for Bubba, and friends, as he is now the equivalent of his poor 26 yr old defenseless girlfriend, sleeping in bed, clock set for 5:15am to go to work at Dennys, to care for her son, and soon to be daughter, and attacked in her sleep. And I hope God does not have mercy on his soul as he has none.


Well-Known Member
Frying in hell is too good. May the rest of his days be spent watching for Bubba and friends.

You've got that one right, June. My sister in law is a paralegal at San Quentin. Now how's THAT for a job? You might call her a "librarian" of sorts; she assists the inmates in choosing appropriate books from the library that will aid them in earning an associates degree while they're there.

(Now THAT'S an issue onto itself!!!)

But my point is, from her and other un named sources :-)sad:), I've learned that prison populations have their own code of ethics, which includes zero tolerance for child molestors and those who abuse women.... Don't mean to sound like a Neanderthal here, but one can only hope...


The Cupcake Lady
This is all about controlling men with mental issues. I saw an interview with his ex-girlfriend (Nikki Giavasis) and the things she said confirmed his mental instability.

In 2007 and beyond People are going to have to get a background check and a blood test before committing to a relationship.
