A Unique Transfer Situation (help me) *on topic


New Member
I have a unique situation that no one has ever seen in the company, as far as I've been told. I transferred from Edison, NJ to Norwalk, CT (education tranfer). My last day working in NJ was April 12th, 2019. On April 13th I broke my hand and filed for disability. My healthcare was terminated because there was no contribution made by my local. I called 177 and they continue to provide my insurance until I return to work and get passed off to local 191. During my lack of coverage I learned that the healthcare in CT is absolutely horrible in comparison to what I had in NJ. After paying $10 co-pays there's no way I can accept paying the $50 co-pay from the Blue Cross Blue Shield provided insurance. My wife and son rely heavily on the great benefits from Aetna. I realized we made a mistake in relocating to CT. I had no idea the insurance would be different.

Here's where it starts to get crazy. I finished my first semester in school and immediately began the educational transfer process all over again. I enrolled, got my schedule and proof of payment; I turned my request in and gave it about a week before I called to check the status of my request. H.R. told me they will not process my request because I'm on disability and not showing active. Although my transfer request was approved to go to CT, I never worked a day in that building. All of my information is still linked to local 177, the Edison, NJ hub and Dave Brennen. I've scoured the handbook looking for anything that backs up what H.R. has told me to no avail. The H.R. Manager, Sorya, who runs this area told me that because I'm not active that I wouldn't be able to log onto the very site I'm typing this message on. When I sent her a screen shot of me logged into UPSers.com, she then proceeded to tell me that I couldn't login to iGate for training. When I asked for what reason do I need to do computer training, her answer was NVRMND. I've disproved her statements on several occasions which proves to me that she is uninformed or not sure how to help, so she gives automated responses.

So, If I never worked a single day in CT, put in a transfer to go back to my home building and all of my UPS info is STILL linked to my home building and union then why is the company standing so firm on NOT letting me go back. Logic tells me that this should be a very simple fix. A few signatures and key strokes is what holds all the power. My name has been in the system since 2005. I feel like I should be treated with a little dignity instead of a commodity or indentured servant. I just want to go home.



Well-Known Member
Transfers are at the discretion of HR. Sure a manager has to sign off on it but ultimately it's up to HR. My guess is they feel you used the system and your gonna pay for it. Your best bet is probably to find out the chain of command and craft a letter about what's going on and hope someone who cares finds out about it. Other wise your probably going to be stuck where your at.


New Member
I didn't use the system for anything other than what its in place for. Had I known the benefits sucked in CT, I would've never left NJ. I had no idea that different locals have completely different insurance carriers. I got injured at my nephew's birthday party, which was a blessing in disguise. If not for the injury, I would've continued to work not knowing about my insurance change. The other reason for my request to go home is the college I was attending in CT wasn't offering the course I needed for my major until my second year. They basically had me doing refresher work. The school in NJ is allowing me to take that course now. By no means have I tried to "buck" the system. I've reached out to IBT in D.C. and I've been trying to contact corporate. They have a set of generic guidelines in place that they use blanket all. Why does this company make everything so damn hard for all of us?


Well-Known Member
You should have done your research before transferring. Instead you just jumped right in.

177 NJ is part of the Western Conference healthcare plan. I believe everyone else around there is part of Teamcare.


New Member
Hindsight is always 20/20. I don't think shoulda, woulda, coulda's are in order right now. I joined for help or insight, not ridicule. Anyone else have anything constructive to add?

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Are there really locals with $50 co-pays?

I don't see how you can expect them to start a 2nd transfer when you haven't completed the 1st one.


Well-Known Member
Your post makes it seem like you're confusing BrownCafe for Upsers.com...this might not be the actual case, and only how the wording in your post makes it seem, but I figured I'd point it out just in case.

This is BrownCafe, and as it says in big letters at the top of every page, it's not sponsored by UPS. There's no affiliation at all, outside of the fact that most of us who post here work at UPS. Upser.com is an official site of ups, and you will not be able to log on if you're not an employee, or you're having certain issues with your employment.

That aside, It sounds to me, like they think you gamed the transfer system, and they're not too keen on giving you another one. I dunno if that's the case, but that's what it seems like.

Perhaps you should go into your old building and talk face to face with the center manager, explain the situation, and maybe he can help you get the ball rolling with a few phone calls to the right people and a personal backing of your story/character. Maybe get the union involved, or ask them where, or to whom, you can escalate this to get results.

Seems like one of those deals where nobody wants to make a decision that might end up being the wrong one, so they're giving you the run around in the hopes that you just give up, and they won't have to figure out the solution to a very uncommon issue on their own.

Here's a tip that can avoid all of this next time you decide to uproot the family and move: Know what you're getting into, and concentrate on the details - ALL of them :censored2:s too, because you obviously didn't consider hardly anything before you packed up the wife and kid, and steered the family truckster onto the highway towards Norwalk, CT this time.

You didn't even know about the requirements and/or schedule of the class you went there for - how little research did you do? That, combined with the fact that you didn't look into the cost difference in the insurance co-pay, for the medical services your family apparently use often enough that the $40 cost per visit is a huge a factor in where you will choose to live, leads me to believe this was a spur of the moment choice to move somewhere for a change of scenery, or at least a very poorly thought out decision with some selfish undertones. Undertones that made you overlook or fail to investigate other info that should have been part of the deciding factors on whether you moved for a transfer, or stayed put, like it appears would've been your best bet in this case to begin with.

Should have done your homework, and you wouldn't be in this situation. You're looking to place blame on other parties, and I'm sure that while they probably could've been a bit more helpful or informed in certain ways, the bulk of the blame is squarely on your shoulders. Take this as a lesson learned for the next time when you're making big life decisions, and plan them out to both their logical and illogical conclusions, and decide from there what you can live with or not, then make the call.


Just a turd
I have a unique situation that no one has ever seen in the company, as far as I've been told. I transferred from Edison, NJ to Norwalk, CT (education tranfer). My last day working in NJ was April 12th, 2019. On April 13th I broke my hand and filed for disability. My healthcare was terminated because there was no contribution made by my local. I called 177 and they continue to provide my insurance until I return to work and get passed off to local 191. During my lack of coverage I learned that the healthcare in CT is absolutely horrible in comparison to what I had in NJ. After paying $10 co-pays there's no way I can accept paying the $50 co-pay from the Blue Cross Blue Shield provided insurance. My wife and son rely heavily on the great benefits from Aetna. I realized we made a mistake in relocating to CT. I had no idea the insurance would be different.

Here's where it starts to get crazy. I finished my first semester in school and immediately began the educational transfer process all over again. I enrolled, got my schedule and proof of payment; I turned my request in and gave it about a week before I called to check the status of my request. H.R. told me they will not process my request because I'm on disability and not showing active. Although my transfer request was approved to go to CT, I never worked a day in that building. All of my information is still linked to local 177, the Edison, NJ hub and Dave Brennen. I've scoured the handbook looking for anything that backs up what H.R. has told me to no avail. The H.R. Manager, Sorya, who runs this area told me that because I'm not active that I wouldn't be able to log onto the very site I'm typing this message on. When I sent her a screen shot of me logged into UPSers.com, she then proceeded to tell me that I couldn't login to iGate for training. When I asked for what reason do I need to do computer training, her answer was NVRMND. I've disproved her statements on several occasions which proves to me that she is uninformed or not sure how to help, so she gives automated responses.

So, If I never worked a single day in CT, put in a transfer to go back to my home building and all of my UPS info is STILL linked to my home building and union then why is the company standing so firm on NOT letting me go back. Logic tells me that this should be a very simple fix. A few signatures and key strokes is what holds all the power. My name has been in the system since 2005. I feel like I should be treated with a little dignity instead of a commodity or indentured servant. I just want to go home.


Article 22 of the master
"Section 6. Part-Time Employee Transfer
Part-time employees who wish to transfer to another location for educational purposes may submit a written request to the Employer. If approved, the transfer shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:"
Key word is in red. They don't have to approve your transfer


Lunch is the best part of the day
I think they made it pretty clear. You must return to work in the CT hub before transfering again.


Well-Known Member
Yikes! I forgot how brutal message boards can be. Thanks for taking time out of your day to reply.

Serious question...

What are you hoping to hear on here?

You transferred and realized too late it was a bad idea. Now you want to go back like nothing happen. Transfers are not just done at the push of a button.


Retired 23 years
Just a thought.Does a local news station do a "consumers help" segment or something like that that helps people solve problems? If so tell them your story.


Well-Known Member
Has it been six months? At my building, you can transfer between shifts every six months, if there is availability. The same could be said for your transfer time frame.

You might have to bite the bullet for six months to a year and start the process all over.
Has it been six months? At my building, you can transfer between shifts every six months, if there is availability. The same could be said for your transfer time frame.

You might have to bite the bullet for six months to a year and start the process all over.
Big difference between transferring shifts and transferring buildings


Happy Verified UPSer
It seems like you will have to work at your new center for awhile and then try. HR does not like this because then more and more people would be doing this and it's a huge PIA for them.

I got transferred from one UPS hub to another on a hardship and it took 3 years of fighting HR AND The Teamsters.


Well-Known Member
It seems like you will have to work at your new center for awhile and then try. HR does not like this because then more and more people would be doing this and it's a huge PIA for them.

I got transferred from one UPS hub to another on a hardship and it took 3 years of fighting HR AND The Teamsters.
Some buildings are easier to transfer out of, than into. So keep that in mind. A lot of it has to your local supplement and the % allowed to transfer, and if your building has availability. A sorting facility may be run differently than say an airport facility. Yes it's all UPS. But Hr does have some

My building has only allowed one transfer in, but has granted 5-6 transfers out to other buildings. And once you transfer, The reversal is nearly impossible.

Now in building shift changes have a 6 month grace period, and you may lose your shift seniority. Even shift transfers in the same building have a hold period.

Basically UPS doesn't like transfers. They aren’t accommodating like other companies can be.