A Workday With David Lee, ’11


I started this.
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A Workday With David Lee, ’11 - Chicago Booth Magazine

With 450,000 employees across 126 countries, can UPS be just as innovative as Silicon Valley’s most disruptive startups?

As the vice president of innovation and UPS ventures at Atlanta-based United Parcel Service, David Lee, ’11, helps one of the world’s largest logistics companies think like a startup. He doesn’t fear a robot-filled future. Robots can have the boring jobs, according to Lee. Humans have more important creative and problem-solving work to do.

Lee believes anyone can bring forth game-changing products and technologies, no matter his or her job title. He even gave a TED Talk (which has 1.6 million views and counting) on the topic. Here’s how Lee inspires innovation at UPS throughout a typical workday.


nowhere special
I thought the thread was going to be about this guy



nowhere special
10 PM Lights out, and I’m exhausted. But when every day is a bit of a surprise, that’s when you’ve found meaningful work. I feel really lucky that this is my life.

I can see how he would be so worn out with a schedule like his.


A workday with SilverBullet ‘18

6:12 AM wake up. Throws random air punches. Bitches about life.

6:20 AM get in car for drive to work. Turn radio on maximum volume and put dip in, prepare for the drive.

6:50 AM get to work and think about think about taking a vacation day.

6:57 AM walk in to work and look at my idiot coworkers.

7:00 AM. I reserve this time for my morning dump.

9:00 AM ready to leave the building.

9:45 AM look at a few jobs we have to do.

10:30 AM I reserve this time for my gas station run.

11-1150 AM lunch

1150-2 maybe do one job.

2:00 is reserved for my afternoon poop

3:00 walk back into shop and change shoes.

3:30 go home.