Acetaminophen aka Paracetamol

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

This is disturbing. How many of us have given our children this drug in medications? I’m sure many, many, myself included. This is a list of OTC medications containing this drug:


This is a list of common prescription medications containing the drug:



Lunch is the best part of the day
Everyone takes tylonol. Everyone. The data is going to be skewed.
It would be the same with red meat. 60% of autism moms eat red meat. Or
90% of adhd moms wear seatbelts


Nothing to see here.... Move along.
Hopefully this is on topic...

My grandmother would put birth control in one of my aunt's juice every morning.

They both are a little wacky...


Yeah that's all I have.


nowhere special
Everyone takes tylonol. Everyone. The data is going to be skewed.
It would be the same with red meat. 60% of autism moms eat red meat. Or
90% of adhd moms wear seatbelts
Not everyone can take Tylenol. It is a lot harder on kidneys and liver than other pain relievers.