Afternoon delight

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus

I don’t know who’s a bigger idiot, the courier or the guy and his family following him around filming. The article should say former FedEx Driver. Lol. The guy filming is definitely mistaken because FedEx couriers do NOT work for him, and it’s not his business who a driver has in his truck or what he’s doing in his truck. That’s between the courier and FedEx.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.

I don’t know who’s a bigger idiot, the courier or the guy and his family following him around filming. The article should say former FedEx Driver. Lol. The guy filming is definitely mistaken because FedEx couriers do NOT work for him, and it’s not his business who a driver has in his truck or what he’s doing in his truck. That’s between the courier and FedEx.
A jealous snitch. But, unauthorized passenger, see ya.


Well-Known Member
Of course, you’d think this would get someone fired. But we once had a driver who was caught shoplifting from a Walgreens on his route. He kept his job, but wasn’t allowed back into that Walgreens so someone else had to break route to pup it.

NC man

Well-Known Member
“That’s why everybody pkgs are late” lmao. Yea all drivers are picking up hookers.
“I heard sex sounds in the back,I know what sex sounds are”
Too damn funny


Huge Member
I used to have a lady courier friend who would send the *good* pics of herself from the back of her truck. God, those were the days 🤩


Retired 23 years
“That’s why everybody pkgs are late” lmao. Yea all drivers are picking up hookers.
“I heard sex sounds in the back,I know what sex sounds are”
Too damn funny
My mailman must have been getting a hummer on route today. He put 3 different peoples mail in my mailbox. One is a state refund check I assume.