Any DMV stories out there?


Retired 23 years
I sold a boat to a guy in a town 35 miles away a couple days ago. Mn. DMV handles ALL title transfers and I thought I had all the paperwork for him he needed to transfer it. Long story short he calls me yesterday and says the DMV needs my Signature, so I jump on my motorcycle and putt over to his town. It turns out my signature apparently looked too much like it was "printed" so they wanted another one. My question I asked the bitch was "they don't even teach cursive in schools anymore so why do they expect a cursive signature"? As usual it was like talking to a brick wall. Are all DMV offices the same -- a bunch of crabby old bitches.


Retired 23 years
3 too many....


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I sold a boat to a guy in a town 35 miles away a couple days ago. Mn. DMV handles ALL title transfers and I thought I had all the paperwork for him he needed to transfer it. Long story short he calls me yesterday and says the DMV needs my Signature, so I jump on my motorcycle and putt over to his town. It turns out my signature apparently looked too much like it was "printed" so they wanted another one. My question I asked the bitch was "they don't even teach cursive in schools anymore so why do they expect a cursive signature"? As usual it was like talking to a brick wall. Are all DMV offices the same -- a bunch of crabby old bitches.
Maybe they meant printed as in with a photocopier or printer. Legal documents, contracts, and the like are often signed in blue ink for this very reason.


Well-Known Member
I just bought 2 Postal Mail Jeep's. They are pretty cheap. I paid $600 each from 2 different sellers....I guess what they are worth as projects. Seems that the Govt only sells them with a Bill of Sale and Certificate of least here. No Title. Apparently.

Now, I go to the DMV(there is one literally 2 miles from my home). Wellll....."Oh, you have to have these inspected by the County Vehicle Theft Task Force." "What's that?" "......." "Oh." They meet once a month and you have to bring the vehicle to them.....
I have 2......back forth back forth the same day. 22 miles each way.....Now, this document they give you($40 each vehicle) allows for a bonded title(that is starts the process). Ok. I gather all that up and head to the DMV. Certain I'm ready. 2 miles away....oh no, you have to go to the Regional Center 40 miles away.... "You'll need to get your vehicles appraised because they don't appear in the NADA book..." "Well yeah, they are Govt surplus". "Btw, these documents expire in 30 days if you don't title them". "And you'll have to start all over..."

I find a tote the note auto dealer locally that will appraise them for $100 each sight unseen.....ok. A bonded title will set me back $250 each. The State says a minimum of $4000 value will be assessed to be used for tax purposes no matter what you paid or even traded for.

BTW, appointments it says. Ok. I get one. I get there early (like my Mom taught me)....oh, you can't check in more than 15 min early. I wait till the exact 15 before...I check in. In the mean time people are adding to the line at the kiosk....that don't have appointments.....say what? I'm now in a race for time to get all this done in 30 days. The woman(Mgr) could care less and there is no grace period. Race for time you say? Well, one of my sellers put a D where there should be a G. I have to get a revised Bill of Sale....OMFG.

Bonded titles last 3 years and revert to standard titles then. To insure no person comes looking for that vehicle with a claim.

$600+$250+100.....these jeeps are worth about $2500 running in good condition around here. Remember, these are non-running projects.....

Because of the above BS....most folks just put them on the farm or hunting ranch.

I had no idea this world existed before I began. I see vehicles for sale all the time without titles. Beware.