Approaching The Verrazano Bridge....


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What an idiot. Rather than letting the truck driver know he's losing packages, he video tapes it.
A simple mistake by the feeder driver and the idiot who videotaped it will give the all of us as a whole, a bad name now for a while until something else strikes the public's fancy. Hopefully all we lost were packages and no other motorists were involved in collisions trying to avoid the falling packages.


Can you imagine the feeling that feeder driver had when he found out the door was open. Gosh... Feel for him.


Well-Known Member
Was anyone claiming it just happened?

"Published on Nov 19, 2014"

If it was recorded the day it was uploaded, that makes it nearly three months old.


Well-Known Member
Let's suppose the person taking the video did decide to do the right thing and try to alert the feeder driver by pulling up alongside him and pointing toward the rear trailer. Do you think the driver would have pulled over to check his load or do you think he would have ignored him and kept on going?