Arbery Case


Legio patria nostra
only ONE Person of Colour on the Jury lol, they made sure it was packed with White Folks and the racist Defense Attorney stated he didnt even know Sharpton was in the room until he was told by others.
Well, since negroes only make up 17% of the US population, how many do you thing are needed??



Well-Known Member
dang, you are really doubling down on telling me you are racist without telling me you are racist . Keep going as you are MOST entertaining
oh dear a liberal getting his but kicked dropped his race card.

Have you no argument? Is racism all you have to hide behind?


Well-Known Member
Bro, for the THIRD time even the JUDGE thinks its racist the jury isnt more diverse.
Bro the defendants and defense attorneys have proven themselves as racist.
try and keep up old bean
county is close to 70 percent white. what are you arguing for? one more white juror?

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
nice try, really nice but a jury is supposed to be composed of ones peers. Glynn county is 55% black so this Hardly a jury of ones peers. you have to do better than that old bean
Check the definition of ‘peers’.

Hint: it’s not a cross section of the local population.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You can certainly conjure stuff up can't you? but yeah the defendants are Racist as hell,they certainly didnt chase down any white folks that had been seen in the house under construction. The defense attorney said he didnt want any more Black Pastors in the court room. Bro that is RACIST as can be.
Sharpton was only there to provide spiritual guidance, right? Bro that is GULLIBLE as can be.


All Trash No Trailer
Why is it always about race with you people?!
A unarmed young black man was chased down by three white men who's sole defense of chasing him is using a Civil War Era law used to capture runaway slaves...................nah nothing racist to see here,move along


All Trash No Trailer
This is what happens when you step on your dick.


Inordinately Right
A unarmed young black man was chased down by three white men who's sole defense of chasing him is using a Civil War Era law used to capture runaway slaves...................nah nothing racist to see here,move along
Runaway slaves lol.
Good lord, do you really believe this silly stuff the radical left is pushing?


All Trash No Trailer
Sharpton was only there to provide spiritual guidance, right? Bro that is GULLIBLE as can be.
Bro his family suffered one of thier own being hunted down like and animal and shot in the street by racist white men.They deserve support anywhere they can get it


All Trash No Trailer
Runaway slaves lol.
Good lord, do you really believe this silly stuff the radical left is pushing?
Runaway slaves lol.
Good lord, do you really believe this silly stuff the radical left is pushing?
I believe the killing was racially motivated and yes, the law they are claiming ( citizens arrest) is Civil War Era to capture slaves. The law was changed and stripped due to this case

and another news clip about the law being changed and why