Asthma Sufferers. What changes did you make to improve your asthma?


Happy Verified UPSer
asthma has been kicking my butt lately. am on symbicort the last couple years but now it is not helping.

have gone to doctors every month and they keep giving me prednisone that helps for a month and then back to square one.

have an appt. with allergist to try to narrow down the trigger that started this upswing. changed the bedding , have air cleaners. cleaned house top to bottom, changed diet, cut out sweets and starches, etc. trying to make changes to rule out certain triggers with no results.

how about home remedies? has anyone here tried any with any luck? have tried apple cider vinegar, salt under tongue with water , garlic, tumeric, etc etc etc. willing to try anything to be able to breathe again.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
asthma has been kicking my butt lately. am on symbicort the last couple years but now it is not helping.

have gone to doctors every month and they keep giving me prednisone that helps for a month and then back to square one.

have an appt. with allergist to try to narrow down the trigger that started this upswing. changed the bedding , have air cleaners. cleaned house top to bottom, changed diet, cut out sweets and starches, etc. trying to make changes to rule out certain triggers with no results.

how about home remedies? has anyone here tried any with any luck? have tried apple cider vinegar, salt under tongue with water , garlic, tumeric, etc etc etc. willing to try anything to be able to breathe again.
girlfriend found out her asthma medicine got recalled and she had to get a new prescription. Hers though is not that bad


Well-Known Member
asthma has been kicking my butt lately. am on symbicort the last couple years but now it is not helping.

have gone to doctors every month and they keep giving me prednisone that helps for a month and then back to square one.

have an appt. with allergist to try to narrow down the trigger that started this upswing. changed the bedding , have air cleaners. cleaned house top to bottom, changed diet, cut out sweets and starches, etc. trying to make changes to rule out certain triggers with no results.

how about home remedies? has anyone here tried any with any luck? have tried apple cider vinegar, salt under tongue with water , garlic, tumeric, etc etc etc. willing to try anything to be able to breathe again.
asthma has been kicking my butt lately. am on symbicort the last couple years but now it is not helping.

have gone to doctors every month and they keep giving me prednisone that helps for a month and then back to square one.

have an appt. with allergist to try to narrow down the trigger that started this upswing. changed the bedding , have air cleaners. cleaned house top to bottom, changed diet, cut out sweets and starches, etc. trying to make changes to rule out certain triggers with no results.

how about home remedies? has anyone here tried any with any luck? have tried apple cider vinegar, salt under tongue with water , garlic, tumeric, etc etc etc. willing to try anything to be able to breathe again.
I have had asthma for a long time and here are a few things you should try

1st Your medicine. symbicort is a dilator. It sounds to me with prednisone working that you should be on a dual acting inhaler like Advair. It has the dilator and it has an anti-inflammatory. (you have a rescue inhaler too right?)

2. Have that allergy test to find if you have an allergy(these dont always work because it could be a combination of two or more that cause a reaction)

3. Cleaning house is great. Just dont let it be you doing the cleaning. This is when allergens are at there worse. If it is you open windows to change the air as soon as you can

4. Lose weight if that is a problem for you. Thinner leaner bodies need less oxygen

5. If you can get rid of rugs that will help also.


Happy Verified UPSer
I have had asthma for a long time and here are a few things you should try

1st Your medicine. symbicort is a dilator. It sounds to me with prednisone working that you should be on a dual acting inhaler like Advair. It has the dilator and it has an anti-inflammatory. (you have a rescue inhaler too right?)

2. Have that allergy test to find if you have an allergy(these dont always work because it could be a combination of two or more that cause a reaction)

3. Cleaning house is great. Just dont let it be you doing the cleaning. This is when allergens are at there worse. If it is you open windows to change the air as soon as you can

4. Lose weight if that is a problem for you. Thinner leaner bodies need less oxygen

5. If you can get rid of rugs that will help also.
thank you.

i was on advair for awhile and then qvar but both did not work after awhile. symbicort has worked very well for some time ( several years )and then in November it did not work as well.

the dr. wants to up my dosage as I am on the minimum dose right now but i want to wait for the allergy test.

I had asthma as a child and then it went away for about 30 years and then came back about 12 years ago. the dr. thinks it was a infection in the lungs that brought it back. i read a book from a Dr.Hahn that theorizes that some asthmas are caused by a chronic infection.

he has had very good results treating patients with a 12 week course of the anti-biotic arithzomycin or z-max.
i have bought this up to 2 doctors but they don't want to hear about it.


Happy Verified UPSer
A little extreme but give up processed foods! Worked for me! Vegan isn’t for everyone but cured my asthma and hypertension
thank you. yes we have cut down on processed foods, sweets, and dairy and anything that is mucous forming. have read a lot about the paleo diet and eating more fruits and veggies.

been keeping a journal on what we eat and watch for any adverse effects like coughing and wheezing.


Well-Known Member
Many fail to realize processed meat is a group 1 carcinogen, same as tobacco! I thoroughly believe that the vast majority of diseases are preventable and are directly linked to what we are consuming. Just like UPS, these behemoths in the food industry don’t care about people, just their bottom line, regardless of its effects on our well-bring.


Happy Verified UPSer
Many fail to realize processed meat is a group 1 carcinogen, same as tobacco! I thoroughly believe that the vast majority of diseases are preventable and are directly linked to what we are consuming. Just like UPS, these behemoths in the food industry don’t care about people, just their bottom line, regardless of its effects on our well-bring.
i've noticed when i go on a 2-3 fast my breathing clears up a lot.
For me it was cigarette allergies or something. After I moved out on my own I stopped taking Ventolin, and Beclovent/Flovent. I still get flareups when drivers are outside the facility filling the sort up with their stink. And still had some tightness but have come to realize poor posture (slouching my shoulders forward) seemed to be the cause of that.


Happy Verified UPSer
Was watching a documentary about the science behind fasting: The Science of Fasting: Sylvie Gilman, Thierry de Lestrade: Amazon Digital Services LLC. One person they interviewed had pretty bad asthma his whole life, and fasting for a week or two cleared him up.
i'm trying everything i can before getting put on more meds. drs always want you taking more meds. once you start them you can't get off.

thanks for the suggestions. i'm doing some fasting, which also helps you lose weight, changing diet. and thinking about cutting out the wood burning stove.

have to try one thing at a time to see if it makes a difference.