In my neighborhood, we have these big silver community mailbox stations since mail does not go to our homes. Anyways, I got a package on Friday and it was listed as left in storage locker. Cool. Until it was not cool.
I go to get my package and there is no key in my box to open the big locker. WTF thanks USPS. My wife goes to PO on Saturday to explain that we did not have a key for the big box. They tell her They will come out sometime this week to get the box opened. She is also like WTF Wednesday? They thought she was talking about our box and not having a key. That got straightened out and the lady told Mrs. that she would ask the postman to take our package out of the box and just leave it outside.
All day Saturday goes by and no package. I see the postman just down the street at like 615 pm so I run over there and explained the mix up hoping he had been told about it by the lady at PO. He was and said that he was just going to leave it on my step but since I was already there, he would just get it for me. He walks around to the back of his truck and hands me the box. I'm like, thanks for going out of your way to get it out of the locker for me. He says, it was just back here, no problem at all.
So now a mailtruck is a storage locker>? Whatever, I got my stuff but it's the point, don't say it was delivered if it sits in the back of a car for the night. I wasn't home or the box was too big for the locker but it sure wasn't delivered.