I was hired on by UPS Oct 5th and let go Dec. 28th. Worked on the air ramp and was happy with the job. I came everyday on time, stayed when asked for volunteers if plane went red, picked up double shifts, signed up for holidays, never had displinary actions taken against me and left on good terms with both my supervisors. I waited on a call back but heard nothing. Finally saw a position and applied only to find out I couldn't. Went into HR to try and figure out what was going on. Contacted both my supervisors who are happy to recommended me but cannot get help from the HR office. I was told by the lady to contact the full timer which I did and it lead me no where as we were never formally introduced so how can he remember me? One of the many air rampers. What can I do? I did everything right and feel that this is just a erroneous status. Thanks a ton in advance.