

Strength through joy
President Obama is coming to [NYC] to attend a fund-raiser Wednesday in Midtown billed as a “small reception to celebrate the progress in the LGBT [lesbian gay bisexual transsexual ] community.”
Tickets for the event at the Sheraton will range from $10,000 to $35,800.
The program includes a mix-and-mingle, brief remarks by the president and a Q&A.
I’m guessing the Occupy Wall Street moonbats won’t be on hand to denounce the 1% blatantly buying political influence from a friendly pol.


golden ticket member
President Obama is coming to [NYC] to attend a fund-raiser Wednesday in Midtown billed as a “small reception to celebrate the progress in the LGBT [lesbian gay bisexual transsexual ] community.”
Tickets for the event at the Sheraton will range from $10,000 to $35,800.
The program includes a mix-and-mingle, brief remarks by the president and a Q&A.
I’m guessing the Occupy Wall Street moonbats won’t be on hand to denounce the 1% blatantly buying political influence from a friendly pol.
Even Chaz will have to borrow money from mom to attend that!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Tea Party Alleges Double Standard by Occupy-Friendly Mayor in Virginia

A Tea Party chapter in Virginia is alleging that it was audited by the City of Richmond after it complained that the local Occupy movement was receiving special treatment by the mayor.
The Richmond Tea Party said the city charged it $10,000 to hold three rallies in Kanawha Plaza -- where Occupiers have been allowed to reside at no charge.
Now the Tea Partiers are crying foul and demanding their money back. But shortly after complaining to the city, the Tea Party group said it received notice of the tax audit.

Read more: Tea Party Alleges Double Standard By Occupy-Friendly Mayor In Virginia | Fox News


Well-Known Member
Tea Party Alleges Double Standard by Occupy-Friendly Mayor in Virginia

A Tea Party chapter in Virginia is alleging that it was audited by the City of Richmond after it complained that the local Occupy movement was receiving special treatment by the mayor.
The Richmond Tea Party said the city charged it $10,000 to hold three rallies in Kanawha Plaza -- where Occupiers have been allowed to reside at no charge.
Now the Tea Partiers are crying foul and demanding their money back. But shortly after complaining to the city, the Tea Party group said it received notice of the tax audit.

Read more: Tea Party Alleges Double Standard By Occupy-Friendly Mayor In Virginia | Fox News

OWS folks ran the risk of arrest. The Tea party group didnt, but to be honest why did they have to pay anything to hold a rally??


golden ticket member
People pay fees for use of private parks for famliy reunions and such. State parks, pavillions and grills in a metropolitan park are rented out to events. A rally is an event. A sit-in is a trespassing.
Quick answer--yes.
Actually I would say, no.

Reason being is that Jesus was more concerned for the individual people than for government and commerce. The only example I can remember where Jesus interacted with commerce was when he threw the money changers out of the temple(maybe the first "separation of church and state). I don't remember His crusading to force any "agency" to do anything, just addressing individuals that were gathered in groups.


golden ticket member
(NY Daily News) — He may have been the voice of reason for thousands of lost teens, but former “Loveline” host Adam Carolla is blasting the Occupy Wall Street crowd for being self-entitled and coddled.

In an expletive-laced rant on a November podcast, the comedian and shock jock says the movement was the result of raising young people to believe they were the best.

“We are now dealing with the first waves of participation trophies. . . ‘I feel so friend— good about myself. Everybody’s a winner, no one’s a loser.’ We’re dealing with the first wave of those,” he said.

He argued that the nation’s wealth disparity wasn’t the effect of laws favoring corporations and the rich but the result of people working harder or being more gifted than others.

“There’s something coming up in this country that didn’t used to exist, and it’s envy,” he said.

He then took aim at the protesters, saying they don’t really want jobs.

“They’ve been shamed by life because they haven’t been prepared for life. They’ve had so much smoke blown up their collective a—-, by the time they get out in the real world and they realize the real world doesn’t give a friend— where you’re from or what your mommy said you were or how pretty you are.”


Well-Known Member

Author/Historian Thaddeus Russell said the following as to the above picture:

Far more federal money went to Wall Street under Obama than under Bush, and the police brutality against Occupy has taken place in the Democratic bastions of New York City, Oakland, Portland, Seattle, and Davis. Yet most Occupy protestors, like the artist who made this picture, continue to blame Republicans. W. T. friend.

And on all points he would be right. 804, you got some splainin' to do!

The otherside of this is those redstate lugheads who cheer on the police state in addressing the Occupy movements would in fact be cheering on democrat political fiefdoms. Then again, it explains why so many redstate lugheads embrace the redstate beauty queens in the latest pageant for dictator of the week!


Nine Lives
View attachment 6071

Author/Historian Thaddeus Russell said the following as to the above picture:

And on all points he would be right. 804, you got some splainin' to do!

The otherside of this is those redstate lugheads who cheer on the police state in addressing the Occupy movements would in fact be cheering on democrat political fiefdoms. Then again, it explains why so many redstate lugheads embrace the redstate beauty queens in the latest pageant for dictator of the week!

I think 804 has the ability to understand. I've tried explaining to MFE several times and he can't seem to understand that Obama and Democrats can be classified as Fascist.


Well-Known Member
I think 804 has the ability to understand. I've tried explaining to MFE several times and he can't seem to understand that Obama and Democrats can be classified as Fascist.

Oh I agree about 804. I was just messin' with him. I'm certain he would never support my idea of total abolition of the state in it's entirety but he does understand the danger of the state in regards to individual liberty in certain areas so I do appreciate that. And he likes Chris Hedges whose all but abandoned the 2 state parties so he may come around one of these days! I understand his loyality but he's shown an open mind as well. He keeps it up and like others on both the left and right, he'll begin to abandoned the obsolete democrat/republican construct and let it die the aweful, violent death it so justly deserves.

TOS and MFE are just party shrills not much different than a few redstate lugheads so I guess they both serve some purpose of "fair and balanced"......well at least balanced anyway! :wink2:

I think folks of both red state and blue state stripes would be well served to read Mussolini and the Doctrine of Fascism. However, the influence of Fabian Socialism and it's opposition to classical liberal individualism not unlike Fascist opposition to same on American style democratic governance has been a major undermining of the Jeffersonian principles that once formed the bedrock of individual civil liberties that even the likes of left stalwarts like George McGovern and the now voter retired Russ Feingold were known for. Under different names and ideals in different eras of American history, it's all still the same ole' Hamiltonianism but then on this and to you I'm a bit preaching to the choir.


BTW: A co-worker and his supervisor was up your way yesterday and spoke very well of your new digs. Gone out to lunch much?


Nine Lives
BTW: A co-worker and his supervisor was up your way yesterday and spoke very well of your new digs. Gone out to lunch much?

I've hung several of my pictures on canvas in my office and get quite a few people stopping by to check them out.
One day when I came back from a meeting there were about 10 people in my office.

As for lunch, too busy most days. Windward Parkway is a total mess so I don't get out much unless its on Old Milton. Bring lunch in and eat at my desk a lot or run to QuickTrip on Old Milton for a couple of hot dogs at $1 each.


golden ticket member
Occupy Wall Street Protesters Begin Hunger Strikes, Michael Moore Reportedly Horrified…

Fine with me.
Via Daily Mail:
Some Occupy Wall street protests throughout the country are taking desperate measures to keep the movement alive as only a few camps across the country remain open.

In New York, which was the original birthplace of the movement, protesters have started a hunger strike and hope to move to a different plot of land since they have been barred from Zuccotti Park.

Protesters were planning on taking this extreme stand starting Saturday, the same day when the Occupy Portland camp was broken up by police. [...]

No word yet on how many of those protesters are participating in their planned hunger strikes, but they are hoping that this is a way to reunite the movement in a serious manner.

‘We’re definitely going to call for more people to join us throughout the week, with solidarity hunger strikes,’ said protester Diego Ibanez.

‘I am definitely worried about being hungry and being sick, that’s definitely crossing my mind but I am more worried about people being apathetic,’ Mr Ibanez told ABC News.

‘If we do get arrested, which seems most likely like we will be, we will continue the strike in jail,’ he continued.