

Well-Known Member
Report: NYC’s Top 1% Pay A Whopping 43.2% Of The City’s Income Tax, Occupy Wall Street Hardest Hit…

Remind me again, what are these people complaining about?
(NYP) — They’ve been demonized and denounced for not doing their fair share.

But a new analysis released yesterday shows that the top 1 percent of New York City’s moneymakers paid 43.2 percent of the city’s income tax — even though they accounted for just 33.8 percent of total income here.

Acting on a request from City Councilman James Oddo (R-SI), the Independent Budget Office reviewed 410,000 of the 3,462,000 tax returns filed here in 2009, the latest year available.

“Both income and tax liabilities are highly concentrated among the most affluent New Yorkers,” the IBO reported.

The findings backed up claims by Mayor Bloomberg and others who warn that the city can’t afford to lose the super-rich because they’re picking up a big chunk of the income-tax tab.

A total of 34,598 filers made it into the exclusive 1percent club with a minimum adjusted gross income of $493,439.

Then there were those in the top 10 percent who had incomes of at least $105,400 and chipped in 71.2 percent of income-tax collections, while pulling in just 58.2 percent of income generated here.

I love that line: that the 1% accounted for "just 33.8% of the total income." !! LOL!! Keep reading Murdoch's rt wing new york pest, he ruined a once decent paper.


Well-Known Member
Report: NYC’s Top 1% Pay A Whopping 43.2% Of The City’s Income Tax, Occupy Wall Street Hardest Hit…

Remind me again, what are these people complaining about?
(NYP) — They’ve been demonized and denounced for not doing their fair share.

But a new analysis released yesterday shows that the top 1 percent of New York City’s moneymakers paid 43.2 percent of the city’s income tax — even though they accounted for just 33.8 percent of total income here.

Acting on a request from City Councilman James Oddo (R-SI), the Independent Budget Office reviewed 410,000 of the 3,462,000 tax returns filed here in 2009, the latest year available.

“Both income and tax liabilities are highly concentrated among the most affluent New Yorkers,” the IBO reported.

The findings backed up claims by Mayor Bloomberg and others who warn that the city can’t afford to lose the super-rich because they’re picking up a big chunk of the income-tax tab.

A total of 34,598 filers made it into the exclusive 1percent club with a minimum adjusted gross income of $493,439.

Then there were those in the top 10 percent who had incomes of at least $105,400 and chipped in 71.2 percent of income-tax collections, while pulling in just 58.2 percent of income generated here.

NYC: more unequal than Brazil LBO News from Doug Henwood


golden ticket member
Sheila Jackson Lee On Occupy Wall Street: “I Passionately Say That I Don’t See Them As Divisive, They Are Pushing Fairness, Justice And Equality”…

And I passionately say she is the dumbest member of Congress, with the possible exception of Hank “Guam Might Tip Over” Johnson.
Via Daily Caller:
Democratic Reps. Raul M. Grijalva of Arizona and Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas told The Daily Caller that the Occupy Wall Street movement is not dividing America.

“I want to passionately say that I do not see them as divisive,” Jackson Lee told TheDC at a press conference on the Congressional Progressive Caucus’ proposed Restore the American Dream for the 99 Percent Act.

“What I believe the 99ers are doing are asking the question why there’s a 275 times difference in wealth between the wealthiest and the poorest in America,” she said. “I think they are pushing fairness, justice and equality.”


Strength through joy
First thing this 99% law should do is strip all Congressmen ( women ) of all their monies.
After all there more millionaires can be found in that House than any other.


golden ticket member
Top Dem Strategists Warn Democrats In Congress: Stay The Hell Away From Occupy Wall Street…

Too late.
(Roll Call) — While Democrats are adopting the movement’s “99 percent” language, they are increasingly retreating from the protesters themselves and their anti-capitalist rhetoric. Some in the party view the Occupy activists — camped out in grubby tent cities around the country — as a potential liability in 2012.

“Democrats should reject Occupy Wall Street as the spokesmen for the 99 percent,” said Kelly Bingel, who served as former Sen.Blanche Lincoln’s (D-Ark.)chief of staff until 2005 and is now a partner with Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti Inc. “The chance of those guys going out and voting or encouraging anyone else to vote is very low.”

Another Democratic lobbyist and early supporter of President Barack Obama agreed. “I think Democrats need to stay away from embracing OWS. We can acknowledge their frustrations without embracing their movement,” he said. “They are too fringe-y and don’t play well in middle America.
Let the Republicans be the party of the angry right. We need to be the party where moderates feel welcomed

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Time magazine........person of the year should be an actual person!!! Steve Jobs? would have been a good choice? Time is Non-committal, just like the pres.

Time Names 'The Protester' As 'Person Of The Year' | Fox News

Time is another Liberal rag that promotes everything Obama, so Stever Jobs would not have fit the mold. Once Steve Jobs book came out and he slammed the Messiah then he was no longer one of the Liberals chosen.



Well-Known Member
Top Dem Strategists Warn Democrats In Congress: Stay The Hell Away From Occupy Wall Street…

Too late.
(Roll Call) — While Democrats are adopting the movement’s “99 percent” language, they are increasingly retreating from the protesters themselves and their anti-capitalist rhetoric. Some in the party view the Occupy activists — camped out in grubby tent cities around the country — as a potential liability in 2012.

“Democrats should reject Occupy Wall Street as the spokesmen for the 99 percent,” said Kelly Bingel, who served as former Sen.Blanche Lincoln’s (D-Ark.)chief of staff until 2005 and is now a partner with Mehlman Vogel Castagnetti Inc. “The chance of those guys going out and voting or encouraging anyone else to vote is very low.”

Another Democratic lobbyist and early supporter of President Barack Obama agreed. “I think Democrats need to stay away from embracing OWS. We can acknowledge their frustrations without embracing their movement,” he said. “They are too fringe-y and don’t play well in middle America.
Let the Republicans be the party of the angry right. We need to be the party where moderates feel welcomed

Who needs the corporate dems anyway!!


Well-Known Member
| Wednesday, December 14, 2011 @ 3:04 pm |
Occupy Portland Mom Places 4-Year-Old Daughter On Train Tracks During Protest To Shut Down Port of Portland…

She’s a lock for the “mother of the year” award.

SO therefore OWS is worthless?? One person craps on a flag, so therefore OWS is worthless?? A woman is raped at an occupation, therefore OWS is worthless?? This is what being part of the corporate propaganda machine is all about. Try to disparage the movement by highlighting the extreme actions of a few . Make people cringe at some of the actions and maybe it will go away. Back in the 1960s, we didnt have "news" outlets like Fox to direct the news so the government made up stories about MLK and others in the civil rts movement to try to disparage the movement itself. It didnt work back then and it wont work now.


golden ticket member
SO therefore OWS is worthless?? One person craps on a flag, so therefore OWS is worthless?? A woman is raped at an occupation, therefore OWS is worthless?? This is what being part of the corporate propaganda machine is all about. Try to disparage the movement by highlighting the extreme actions of a few . Make people cringe at some of the actions and maybe it will go away. Back in the 1960s, we didnt have "news" outlets like Fox to direct the news so the government made up stories about MLK and others in the civil rts movement to try to disparage the movement itself. It didnt work back then and it wont work now.
Fox news twisted the arms of local law enforcement and made them arrest over 5000 demonstrators.......more than just the "couple" you referenced. Maybe you haven't noticed, but the unions backed out of that "port" support and the Dems. are back peddling as quick as they can. But don't worry, Whoopie, Janean, Sally, Joy, Debbie, Al and Jessie etc. all stand with you.


golden ticket member
Excerpt from: Portland Oregonian:

"As the picketers meandered from one terminal to the next, they took a day’s pay away from almost 400 International Longshore and Warehouse Union workers who were told to avoid the protests and stay home on Monday. It’s doubtful that large exporters and ship-owning companies such as Goldman Sachs were affected in any way by Monday’s protest — but hundreds of Oregon families took a holiday hit to their paychecks.

Moreover, the picketers interfered with the deliveries of dozens of locally based companies trying to get their products to the port — and to markets beyond — costing them and their Oregon employees many thousands of dollars. That probably didn’t win a lot of new converts to the Occupy movement."


golden ticket member
SO therefore OWS is worthless?? One person craps on a flag, so therefore OWS is worthless?? A woman is raped at an occupation, therefore OWS is worthless?? This is what being part of the corporate propaganda machine is all about. Try to disparage the movement by highlighting the extreme actions of a few . Make people cringe at some of the actions and maybe it will go away. Back in the 1960s, we didnt have "news" outlets like Fox to direct the news so the government made up stories about MLK and others in the civil rts movement to try to disparage the movement itself. It didnt work back then and it wont work now.
Just wondering if you called anyone out for all the " Tea Party is racist" claims because they saw a racist sign at rally?

The OWS is worthless because they have cost every city they've "occupied" and actually haven't changed a damn thing. Who was not already aware that the average citizen in the USA earns a considerable lesser amount of income as does wall street execs? So what has the OWS accomplished?