

Well-Known Member

Those "bad apples" included several priests and reverends of Trinity church itself as well as other churhes in NYC. And they mostly scaled the fence with a pre-fab stair case that was carried during the march from Duarte Sq to the vacant Trinity site. When he got to the site, some protesters placed the stairs against the fence and began climbing over the fence. The cops didnt seem to react. Mostly OWS protester went over until the priests and reverends joined them in a huge cheer as they went. over the top onto the property. Even Santa and his elf were seen going over the top. Some protesters then began to pull the bottom of the fence from the inside to allow some of us into the property. About 100 of us entered the property (yes I was one of them) under the fence. It seemed safe and allowed by the police. I was in the midldle of making a call to tell someone I was in , when I noticed the police beginning to charge in and attempt to trap us in. I said "I'll call you back" and barely got out in time!! I found out those priests and reverends stayed behind and were arrested as well as others.

The only bad apples I observed were a few protesters of the anarchist type who yelled crap at the cops and several cops who were batton happy.

WHen it was apparent we werent getting back in, an OWS "leader" had an impromptu general assembly right there and it was decided that we would retreat back to Duarte sq to regroup. We got back to the sq. We shared stories of what just occurred,some danced. (In all truthfulness, there are some freaks there!!)

During a General Assembly it was mentioned that the head Reverend of Trinity church lived only a few blocks away, Hmmmm, since he didnt want us to occupy their unused property maybe he wouldnt mind a visit to his residence. Well, of course, the cops overheard this and when we did march to his block, it was already blocked off by police. So much for openess in strategy.

Learned today that Trinity church is one of the largest land owners in lower Manhattan. "Less known, though, is the church’s status as a real estate titan. Since 1705, when Queen Anne of England bequeathed more than 200 acres of what was then farmland to the church, Trinity Real Estate has come to control six million square feet of property, much of it office space around Hudson Square, financing an operation most parishes could never fathom. " It seems it too is part of the 1%!!


Well-Known Member

You might enjoy Kevin Carson's latest on the Occupy movement at Center for a Stateless Society. And here's a piece from C4SS on the Student Loan Debt System which has also been an Occupy issue.


Well-Known Member
Not to jump the tracks with the train but the above brings up a point. In the recent defense authorization bill granting the power to arrest and detain a domestic US citizen indefinitely without trial, had Bush and the republicans done this, the democrats in mass would be in the streets and yet the silence is oh so telling!
Not to jump the tracks with the train but the above brings up a point. In the recent defense authorization bill granting the power to arrest and detain a domestic US citizen indefinitely without trial, had Bush and the republicans done this, the democrats in mass would be in the streets and yet the silence is oh so telling!
You're point is proven by history. Remember all the "left" opposition to retailing foreign combatants ? Now they are supporting retaining of American citizens without any due process.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You're point is proven by history. Remember all the "left" opposition to retailing foreign combatants ? Now they are supporting retaining of American citizens without any due process.

Ummm...dont forget the killing of Amercian citizens without due process also. But shhhhhh...move along...nothing to see here...

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Those "bad apples" included several priests and reverends of Trinity church itself as well as other churhes in NYC.

The only bad apples I observed were a few protesters of the anarchist type who yelled crap at the cops and several cops who were batton happy.

WHen it was apparent we werent getting back in, an OWS "leader" had an impromptu general assembly right there and it was decided that we would retreat back to Duarte sq to regroup. We got back to the sq. We shared stories of what just occurred,some danced. (In all truthfulness, there are some freaks there!!)

This is from the news article:

The day after authorities moved in and cleaned out Zuccotti Park, about a dozen protesters went to the vacant lot, clipped the fence at the church-owned property and were arrested, along with some journalists.Since then, some Occupy protesters have launched a bid to gain the church's consent for them to use the space. Trinity's Rev. James H. Cooper said giving the protesters access to the lot would not be a safe or smart move.
"There are no facilities at the Canal Street lot. Demanding access and vandalizing the property by a determined few OWS protesters won't alter the fact that there are no basic elements to sustain an encampment," he wrote in a statement. "The health, safety and security problems posed by an encampment here, compounded by winter weather, would dwarf those experienced at Zuccotti Park."
On Friday, the top bishop of the Episcopal Church asked protesters not to trespass on the property. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori warned it could result in "legal and police action."

So you feel that damaging and tresspassing on private properity is OK? And just because someone else does it then its OK to do also? How do you think you will get any sympathy or support from people when they see and hear incidents like this?


Well-Known Member
So, you imperialists want to invade a new country now?? Typical. We finally get out of one country (sort of : tens of thousands of military plus private military contractors will be in iraq indefinitely) and the imperialist right needs a new enemy.


Well-Known Member
You're point is proven by history. Remember all the "left" opposition to retailing foreign combatants ? Now they are supporting retaining of American citizens without any due process.

Obama and the dems are not "the left". They are multilateral imperialists as apposed to the unilateral imperialists of the republican wing.


Well-Known Member
This is from the news article:

The day after authorities moved in and cleaned out Zuccotti Park, about a dozen protesters went to the vacant lot, clipped the fence at the church-owned property and were arrested, along with some journalists.Since then, some Occupy protesters have launched a bid to gain the church's consent for them to use the space. Trinity's Rev. James H. Cooper said giving the protesters access to the lot would not be a safe or smart move.
"There are no facilities at the Canal Street lot. Demanding access and vandalizing the property by a determined few OWS protesters won't alter the fact that there are no basic elements to sustain an encampment," he wrote in a statement. "The health, safety and security problems posed by an encampment here, compounded by winter weather, would dwarf those experienced at Zuccotti Park."
On Friday, the top bishop of the Episcopal Church asked protesters not to trespass on the property. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori warned it could result in "legal and police action."

So you feel that damaging and tresspassing on private properity is OK? And just because someone else does it then its OK to do also? How do you think you will get any sympathy or support from people when they see and hear incidents like this?

"Damaging"?? No damage was done to the property. "Trespassing" was done by many people including a bishop, some priests and reverends as well as hundreds of OWS protesters to make a point that this property is presently unused and can be used for a good cause . MLK and the civil rights movement also trespassed and broke local laws to change the world too!!

Trinity is very close to the 1% on Wall st. Trinity is more than just a church. It is a huge land holder. So instead of trying to do the socially conscience thing and open its doors to this social and economic movement which they claim to agree with, they are giving in to the power of bloomberg (Bloomscrooge) and his friends on wall st that want this movement off the streets and hidden out of sight. Trinity is ok with giving out hot chocolate and blankets to the homeless and keep things the way they are but stir up the status quo ?? Oh dear oh my!!


golden ticket member
"Damaging"?? No damage was done to the property. "Trespassing" was done by many people including a bishop, some priests and reverends as well as hundreds of OWS protesters to make a point that this property is presently unused and can be used for a good cause . MLK and the civil rights movement also trespassed and broke local laws to change the world too!!

Trinity is very close to the 1% on Wall st. Trinity is more than just a church. It is a huge land holder. So instead of trying to do the socially conscience thing and open its doors to this social and economic movement which they claim to agree with, they are giving in to the power of bloomberg (Bloomscrooge) and his friends on wall st that want this movement off the streets and hidden out of sight. Trinity is ok with giving out hot chocolate and blankets to the homeless and keep things the way they are but stir up the status quo ?? Oh dear oh my!!

OK, you cracked me up !!! Several reverends? Like Rev. Wright, Rev Al, Rev. Jesse ??? I almost spit my coffee!
On a more personal note, when my daughter started dating a loser and was having kids by him, she would tell me, "But mom, he goes to church!" Like that was going to make him a good person in my eyes. He turned out to be a loser, in and out of jail and is $25,000 delinquent on child support.
Boy, can I spot a loser or what? Of course, at the time, no one could get through to her.


Well-Known Member
OK, you cracked me up !!! Several reverends? Like Rev. Wright, Rev Al, Rev. Jesse ??? I almost spit my coffee!
On a more personal note, when my daughter started dating a loser and was having kids by him, she would tell me, "But mom, he goes to church!" Like that was going to make him a good person in my eyes. He turned out to be a loser, in and out of jail and is $25,000 delinquent on child support.
Boy, can I spot a loser or what? Of course, at the time, no one could get through to her.

Gee, I wonder where she got that trait from!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
"Damaging"?? No damage was done to the property. "Trespassing" was done by many people including a bishop, some priests and reverends as well as hundreds of OWS protesters to make a point that this property is presently unused and can be used for a good cause .

Damage was done to the fence and to the property just like the damage was done to the property of the parks while the OWS idiots trashed it. And again, just because one maroon (regardless if its a Bishop or Priest) does it, does not make it right or OK. Its posted private property. You might not like the owners but you need to respect their rights and property. Maybe you should protest/trespass and trample the property at the White House and see where that gets you.


Well-Known Member
Damage was done to the fence and to the property just like the damage was done to the property of the parks while the OWS idiots trashed it. And again, just because one maroon (regardless if its a Bishop or Priest) does it, does not make it right or OK. Its posted private property. You might not like the owners but you need to respect their rights and property. Maybe you should protest/trespass and trample the property at the White House and see where that gets you.

Both cops and protesters damaged the fence. I saw cops pushing the fence to ram into protesters. Protesters did pull the bottom open but that wouldnt qualiify as damage. No one "trashed" anything once they/we were inside the property. NO ONE!!

SO those brave men of the cloth were morons for standing up for justice?? I bet you were the type that put down MLK in the 60s as a trouble maker. Those priests and bishop were willing to be arrested to bring focus on the issue at hand. They are not internet "activists" (like some of you) who sit at their computers and think they are changing the world or making a difference. The young kids of the civil rights movement who broke the law at the time to sit at those segregated counters were heroic not "moronic" . There were signs that were "posted" too!! Im glad they broke those laws. Im glad they stood for justice!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Ok, your should break laws and damage personal and public property. But i think you need to grow some nads and step it up. Since you wont protest your Messiah and his Liberal minions then you should start fighting the cops. Maybe start breaking windows...start small with just cars and then work up to rich folks (that 1%) homes, and then do the banks. I think that will get you more protestors to help you out.

Oh and MLK did not preach violence so i think you getting your movement mixed up with the black panthers. MLK would be disgusted with you and OWS.