
Lue C Fur

Evil member


golden ticket member
Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 7:56 pm
SEIU Job Description: “Train And Lead Members To Occupy State Buildings, Bank Takeovers And Capitol Occupations”…
Example #35,982,873 unions have no place in modern-day America.

Via Red State:
If there was ever any question whether the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is a radical and militantly Marxist union, this SEIU jobs description for a Senior/Lead Internal Organizer, Home Care, posted on the SEIU’s website should remove all doubts.


golden ticket member
Oh boy, now we're talkin'.............

Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 7:43 pm
Mama Moonbat Cindy Sheehan Leads Occupy March…

Just what OWS needs, more kook.
CONCORD — Occupy Concord on Saturday will hold its second major march and rally event, this one to support military veterans transitioning to civilian life, struggling with home foreclosures and, in some cases, homelessness.

The rally, at Todos Santos Plaza downtown, is scheduled to include an appearance by activist Cindy Sheehan, who has taken part in other Occupy events, and other speakers, including local military veterans. Joe Glasner, a Concord resident and an Occupy Concord organizer, said he hopes about 400 people will attend.

An Occupy Concord news release said Saturday’s march is in protest of funding of the military-industrial complex and in support of political prisoners. The release cited Bradley Manning, jailed on suspicion of having passed restricted material to the website WikiLeaks.

Occupy Concord held its first major public event Nov. 5, when about 300 marchers circled Todos Santos Plaza, holding signs with messages such as “The Death of Democracy,” “Shut Your Loophole” and “System in Crisis.” The demonstration was mostly peaceful, though a handful of hecklers shouted epithets at the protesters.


Well-Known Member
Ok, your should break laws and damage personal and public property. But i think you need to grow some nads and step it up. Since you wont protest your Messiah and his Liberal minions then you should start fighting the cops. Maybe start breaking windows...start small with just cars and then work up to rich folks (that 1%) homes, and then do the banks. I think that will get you more protestors to help you out.

Oh and MLK did not preach violence so i think you getting your movement mixed up with the black panthers. MLK would be disgusted with you and OWS.

Hey Lue C Fur, the C must stand for clueless!! Fact is MLK broke laws and was nonviolent. This movement broke laws like being on private property, etc marching in the street, etc and is nonviolent.
There is already an Occupation of DC. But the pols are just tools of Wall St anyway. By the way, obama is no messiah. Last time he was in NYC the OWS people was outside protesting.

Black panthers?? LOL, listen if MLK were around today he would absolutely be out there with us!!


golden ticket member
Hey Lue C Fur, the C must stand for clueless!! Fact is MLK broke laws and was nonviolent. This movement broke laws like being on private property, etc marching in the street, etc and is nonviolent.
There is already an Occupation of DC. But the pols are just tools of Wall St anyway. By the way, obama is no messiah. Last time he was in NYC the OWS people was outside protesting.

Black panthers?? LOL, listen if MLK were around today he would absolutely be out there with us!!

What's with the "us" ?? You been missing work to camp out with Occupy?? If you haven't been, you're all talk....................can't walk the walk!!


golden ticket member
Occupy Olympia Forced Out of Park Leaving Behind “Obvious Biohazards” Including Used Hypodermic Needles…
Number of biohazards left behind by tea partiers, zero.
OLYMPIA, Wash. — Occupy Olympia demonstrators have left the vacant building adjacent to their original Heritage Park encampment following requests from Olympia Police Department officers in conjunction with Washington State Patrol.

Earlier this morning, WSP cleared Heritage Park, moving demonstrators to another area of the park while they removed camping equipment. According to WSP, the officers found “obvious biohazards” within the camp, including hypodermic needles. WSP said the demonstrators cooperated in the removal of the campsites.

Spokeswoman Elinor Paulus said she expected a couple of dozen people who remain in the park they have occupied since mid-October to be evicted. The state Department of Enterprise Services posted eviction notices at the camp Thursday, citing concerns with drug use and graffiti.


Well-Known Member
More (or less), you like to mention how the teapartiers left nothing. Well on that you are right. They left no lasting impact. Wow, that is so radical: endorsing one of the two corrupt political parties and calling the president a socialist, usurper, muslim fascist. YAWN!! The tea party yelled and screamed and whined how obama was the cause of all our problems with a straight face. They had their 15 minutes and then went back to their gated communities and blogged all day and all night. All they wanted was the repubs to take over congress and that will (lol) change everything (LOL). Naive tools of the establishment. Funded and supported by the koch billionaires and establishment pols like dick armey. WHat Radicals!! The only thing they accomplished was make washington dc totally unable to function for we the people. Nice job!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Hey Lue C Fur, the C must stand for clueless!! Fact is MLK broke laws and was nonviolent. This movement broke laws like being on private property, etc marching in the street, etc and is nonviolent.
There is already an Occupation of DC. But the pols are just tools of Wall St anyway. By the way, obama is no messiah. Last time he was in NYC the OWS people was outside protesting.

Black panthers?? LOL, listen if MLK were around today he would absolutely be out there with us!!

Hey 804Brown...the Brown must stand for crap...thats between your ears. See i can play too.:happy2:

Keep dreaming that MLK would be supporting you and your lowlifes protestors. I hope you guys do more since your attached to the Messiah and the Democratic party. The more stupid things you do the more it makes him look like a total maroon. Maybe if you call momma Pelosi, she will donate a tissue to help wipe that brown stuff comming out your ears.


Strength through joy
So, you imperialists want to invade a new country now?? Typical. We finally get out of one country (sort of : tens of thousands of military plus private military contractors will be in iraq indefinitely) and the imperialist right needs a new enemy.

Strange the picture I posted made no such implications.
Did you make this assumption up all by yourself ?


golden ticket member
A mention was made earlier about the Tea Party being irrelevent. Why do you think Newt is losing ground?? Quiet, doesn't mean gone!!


golden ticket member
Why do they blame the "irrelevent" Tea Party ???

| Monday, December 19, 2011 @ 11:50 am | Top White House Official Blames “Tea Party Revolt” For Failure To Pass Payroll Tax Cut, Singles Out Allen West As a Culprit…
It’s on.
(The Hill) — The White House and Senate Democrats are going into overdrive to blame the possible death of a payroll tax cut on House Republicans and the Tea Party.

The messaging effort comes ahead of a Monday night vote in the House, which is expected to reject a two-month extension of the payroll tax cut that was approved by the Senate on Saturday.

In separate appearances on morning talk shows, White House officials and senior Democrats sought to portray Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) as beholden to Tea Party Republicans, who were forcing him to back away from the Senate legislation. That bill won 89 votes in the Senate on Saturday.

White House communications director Dan Pfeiffer made similar accusations later, on MSNBC’s “The Daily Rundown.”

“You don’t get 89 votes for something like this without there being a complete understanding [that] the House Republican leadership was on board,” Pfeiffer said on MSNBC. “Speaker Boehner got on the phone with his caucus, tried to sell it, we had a Tea Party revolt.” Pfeiffer specifically named two Tea Party favorites, freshman Reps. Allen West (R-Fla.) and Joe Walsh (R-Ill.).


Well-Known Member
A mention was made earlier about the Tea Party being irrelevent. Why do you think Newt is losing ground?? Quiet, doesn't mean gone!!

It is only relevant in the fact that it is the hard right wing of the republican party, nothing more. Its popularity nationwide is what 20%?? By the way the reason the newt is dropping is because the establishment wing of the repub party fears a newt nomination because then it is a sure huge loss to obama.


golden ticket member
It is only relevant in the fact that it is the hard right wing of the republican party, nothing more. Its popularity nationwide is what 20%?? By the way the reason the newt is dropping is because the establishment wing of the repub party fears a newt nomination because then it is a sure huge loss to obama.
Believe what you will......Newt is being 'taken care of'. Oh, and you mention 20%.......all the union workers in the country only total what, 12-13%? Yet you seem to think unions are strong as hell.


Strength through joy
If the Tea Party is no longer important then why has Queen Nancy been blaming them for not going along with the temporary tax cut, which by the way an gov't research group has come out and said that the whole plan was unworkable to begin with.