True story of how they worry more about paying a little guarantee time than violating the contract:
I’m on an approved “8 Hour Day”. My route is rural..often more miles than stops. They often under or overshoot on my 8s because they (IMO) look only at stop count and not
where the stops are. Anyway, this particular day they undershot and I was finished with last stop about 7 hours in and one 15 min paid break left. By time I drive back I might be looking at 40ish mins on guarantee 15 of which would be break.
But I get “Do you want your guarantee today or code five?” message…..oh, no thanks, I’m full time I’ll accept code six only. So they send me to take ten stops of a guy almost 20 miles away.. and my eight hour day goes lil over 9.5. He had not asked for help was lil miffed to give up work…
Result: I got lil over an hour and a half OT, plus two hour penalty pay, plus another 8 Hour Day, to run ten stops. The time I saved the other driver was mostly wasted by doing a meet point and transfer, he might have gotten in 15-20 mins faster…maybe.
But, hey! they didn’t have to pay me a few minutes of guarantee! So big win for them I guess?