This is the peoblem with you and lots of full time guys in my center. If you are full time and not peak/seasonal, you are guaranteed your 8 hours. Those 8 hours may be in the hub but you are guaranteed 8. These new full time guys in my center take lay off days all the time and complain that management says it's slow. It doesn't matter!!! Full time means 8 hours!!!!! Talk to your Stewart for the love of God. You are setting a precedent that will follow you for years. Stand up for your self, and be prepared to start getting harassed. Be ready to file the harassment if it comes under retaliation for asking for your 8 he guarantee. We have maybe 8 new fill time guys in our center and one has listened to me,, the others have been getting pushed around all year
To the op, shut your mouth and bust your ass for your 30 days. Once that's done find out your classification asap as well as your pay code. That will tell you weather you are perminant full time. IMHO don't even ask anybody in your center weather its your on road or center manager what your real classification is as that might be enough for them to dq you. Once you got your 30 talk to a good steward and know your rights