Great Read. Every President In One Giant Knife Fight! Who Wins And Why?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Biden is not in the article but he was a mean and nasty guy in his prime, and he was a athlete. I believe he would take out a few of the weaker guys, make it at least 75 percent of the way.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Andrew Jackson or Teddy Roosevelt
Abe Lincoln would pit those two would against each other after they tag teamed on Washington, take out both in rapid succession. He was a strong grappler in his day, one of the best.

Ego would overcome Jackson and Teddy as they argue over the best approach to take out Washington. They do it each their own way, further exacerbating the rift. Lincoln knows this. He is two steps ahead.
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Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Abe Lincoln would pit those two would against each other after they tag teamed on Washington, take out both in rapid succession. He was a strong grappler in his day, one of the best.
Are they in their prime or as president?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Are they in their prime or as president?
Lol, the article is a 3 minute read. This is why Biden does well. Ford was a Navy man and college football player. I also see him doing well.

  • Every president is in the best physical and mental condition they were ever in throughout the course of their presidency. Fatal maladies have been cured, but any lifelong conditions or chronic illnesses (e.g. FDR’s polio) remain.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Lol, the article is a 3 minute read. This is why Biden does well.

  • Every president is in the best physical and mental condition they were ever in throughout the course of their presidency. Fatal maladies have been cured, but any lifelong conditions or chronic illnesses (e.g. FDR’s polio) remain.
I just looked at the contestants. They were a hardy lot, back at the beginning. Washington was a big guy, Lincoln too, also Andrew Jackson, who when he was president, nearly killed a man with his walking stick after the man tried to shoot him and the gun didn’t fire. Teddy was a tough bastard too.


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