Housing Bubble Caused by Greedy Capitalists?

whose fault is the housing bubble?

  • house flippers

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • poor people

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
Government never solves problems that are caused by government. Or any problems.
I don’t know, I’ll agree, it’s the uni party with alot of things. It still seems to be a little better in states and countries where conservatives have the majority. Liberals are just awful! They can not govern!! Everywhere they take hold it’s like a bad disease. they ruin everything.


I'm a star
I don’t know, I’ll agree, it’s the uni party with alot of things. It still seems to be a little better in states and countries where conservatives have the majority. Liberals are just awful! They can not govern!! Everywhere they take hold it’s like a bad disease. they ruin everything.

The idea being that conservatives tend to believe that the government that governs least governs best. But liberals tend to want someone else to take care of the hard stuff so they don't have to, and demand more government to provide for their babying.


Well-Known Member
It was probably affordable when conservatives could still get elected there. Now the greedy liberals have rigged the election system so conservatives will never get elected there again, kinda like california.
id guess housing is getting more unaffordable relative to incomes.

in addition the republicans are even more corrupt than the democrats so there goes that theory


Well-Known Member
Those mean banks, forcing people to borrow money and go into debt. It takes two to tango, and as you like to point out, people can't self-regulate, but apparently that wouldn't be a problem if those same people who can't self-regulate also participate in self-gevernance through direct democracy.

Maybe people would self-regulate better if they stopped blaming capitalism for all their problems. Capitalism basically meaning "everyone else".
capitalism meaning a system which centralizes power leading to power corruption which no union ive ever been apart of has been strong enough to make just.

marx said those who control the economy control what people think. this is the matrix. so ppl are going to have a hard time thinking for themselves and making good decisions until we get rid of this system. and it will end in my life time unless i die early which is another possibility considering this system will collapse in next 20 years.


Well-Known Member
Primarily due to banks being pushed by Congressmen to loan to poor people who didn't qualify. Congressmen who received a lot of money from Countrywide Financial.
banks control the govt. this fraud started immediately after the savings and loans fraud and was easily identifiable. clinton and bush sr made it hard for regulators to do their job unlike what happened with savings and loans success story.


Well-Known Member
Those poor white Canadians! You act as if every black in the U.S. is in prison.
33% of blacks have criminal records and alot of it is for no good reason. just racism. racism evolves. you have slavery. then convict leasing. the war on drugs. and now blacks doing slavery in jails for corporations and cant get jobs when they get out, or vote, or a list of other things which you should be helping out poor ppl out with.


Well-Known Member
Who cares how much you borrow. If you can make the nut, that's on you.

Be frugal, save, save, save, then buy if you need lower payments.
bc it drives up cost of doing business and then next thing you know youre not competitive on a global scale bc your housing is one example of a high cost economy

another thing is debts always expand faster than an economy's ability to repay. so your screwed 2 ways. were in teh midst of a slow crash and its been happening for a while now, and its bc of hte financial sector which is effective a parasite; they dont produce anything.


I'm a star
capitalism meaning a system which centralizes power leading to power corruption which no union ive ever been apart of has been strong enough to make just.
The point you're missing is that it's not the system that concentrates power, it's the people. Systems, or sets of rules as it were, allow for concentration of power at varying rates, but no system has been developed that would put a stop to it. Socialism is the worst and encourages laziness and lack of productivity, so the people who are least suited to power achieve it.

marx said those who control the economy control what people think.

Yes, people with wealth will always be influential. You think the world would be perfect if you controlled everything, which is hubris.

this is the matrix. so ppl are going to have a hard time thinking for themselves and making good decisions until we get rid of this system.
Getting rid of this system could also make things worse.

and it will end in my life time unless i die early which is another possibility considering this system will collapse in next 20 years.
Sure, sure.


Well-Known Member
The point you're missing is that it's not the system that concentrates power, it's the people. Systems, or sets of rules as it were, allow for concentration of power at varying rates, but no system has been developed that would put a stop to it. Socialism is the worst and encourages laziness and lack of productivity, so the people who are least suited to power achieve it.

Yes, people with wealth will always be influential. You think the world would be perfect if you controlled everything, which is hubris.

Getting rid of this system could also make things worse.

Sure, sure.
democracy is the antidote to power if its very democratic. unions used to be counterveiling power to corporate power.

wealth is power which is why you dont want too much inequality bc then you get too much concentrated power.

capitalism centralizes power on the job, and more systematically. piketty did a famous book on this showing how it systematically drives towards inequality ie power centralization over time.

youre quite right getting rid of this system could make things worse but thats not saying much considering its going to collapse according to MIT in next 20 years and we will be extinct in next 100. even if its didnt collapse, its not democratic and goes against democracy. following orders 40 hours a week is a bad example to set if you believe in democracy.

the world would be better if ppl acted like me but good chance thats not good enough


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
democracy is the antidote to power if its very democratic. unions used to be counterveiling power to corporate power.

wealth is power which is why you dont want too much inequality bc then you get too much concentrated power.

capitalism centralizes power on the job, and more systematically. piketty did a famous book on this showing how it systematically drives towards inequality ie power centralization over time.

youre quite right getting rid of this system could make things worse but thats not saying much considering its going to collapse according to MIT in next 20 years and we will be extinct in next 100. even if its didnt collapse, its not democratic and goes against democracy. following orders 40 hours a week is a bad example to set if you believe in democracy.
They’ve been saying stuff like that for 40 years.


Well-Known Member
RICO doesn’t mean if no one confessed everyone is guilty. Which is what you said. Are you high?
yea im pretty sure this is the law.

so in one case the guy was sitting in the backseat of a car, and his 2 friends robbed a store and shot the guy. he got charged as well.

another case is these guys had a gun in their car and someone confessed to it even though he didnt do it bc he didnt want to see everyone go away.