Housing Bubble Caused by Greedy Capitalists?

whose fault is the housing bubble?

  • house flippers

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • poor people

    Votes: 6 42.9%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
@zubenelgenubi you can check out joseph tainter. he did a book on collapsing civilizations. theres a book and documentary on something called a "progress trap". check that out too and see if were checking off the boxes.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
yea im pretty sure this is the law.

so in one case the guy was sitting in the backseat of a car, and his 2 friends robbed a store and shot the guy. he got charged as well.

another case is these guys had a gun in their car and someone confessed to it even though he didnt do it bc he didnt want to see everyone go away.
Nope. That’s not it. That’s just capital crime.


Well-Known Member
33% of blacks have criminal records and alot of it is for no good reason. just racism. racism evolves. you have slavery. then convict leasing. the war on drugs. and now blacks doing slavery in jails for corporations and cant get jobs when they get out, or vote, or a list of other things which you should be helping out poor ppl out with.
1% roughly of the black population is incarcerated.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
33% of blacks have criminal records and alot of it is for no good reason. just racism. racism evolves. you have slavery. then convict leasing. the war on drugs. and now blacks doing slavery in jails for corporations and cant get jobs when they get out, or vote, or a list of other things which you should be helping out poor ppl out with.
Yet a new high for stupidity


Well-Known Member
yea im pretty sure this is the law.

so in one case the guy was sitting in the backseat of a car, and his 2 friends robbed a store and shot the guy. he got charged as well.

another case is these guys had a gun in their car and someone confessed to it even though he didnt do it bc he didnt want to see everyone go away.
You live in a fantasy world.


Well-Known Member
Everything Ricky thinks he knows about RICO probably came from the Batman movie "The Dark Knight" when Lau agrees to help Harvey Dent get 549 Gotham mob guys arrested.
i read a chris hedges book where he taught prisoners over the years and one time they made a play

but im glad frequent right winger christopher nolan is educating you on RICO laws


I'm a star
democracy is the antidote to power if its very democratic. unions used to be counterveiling power to corporate power.

wealth is power which is why you dont want too much inequality bc then you get too much concentrated power.

capitalism centralizes power on the job, and more systematically. piketty did a famous book on this showing how it systematically drives towards inequality ie power centralization over time.

youre quite right getting rid of this system could make things worse but thats not saying much considering its going to collapse according to MIT in next 20 years and we will be extinct in next 100. even if its didnt collapse, its not democratic and goes against democracy. following orders 40 hours a week is a bad example to set if you believe in democracy.

the world would be better if ppl acted like me but good chance thats not good enough

Saying something is not Democratic to criticize it is assuming democracy is desirable. The only reason democracy works at all is because of the rights that are ostensibly recognized and protected by the constitution. The problem is and always has been and always will be that people don't want to take responsibility for themselves. Capitalism makes taking responsibility for yourself easier than any other economic system. Democracy allows people to suffer under the delusion that they can vote their troubles away. We will either overcome our weaknesses and survive, or we will not and go extinct.


Well-Known Member
Saying something is not Democratic to criticize it is assuming democracy is desirable. The only reason democracy works at all is because of the rights that are ostensibly recognized and protected by the constitution. The problem is and always has been and always will be that people don't want to take responsibility for themselves. Capitalism makes taking responsibility for yourself easier than any other economic system. Democracy allows people to suffer under the delusion that they can vote their troubles away. We will either overcome our weaknesses and survive, or we will not and go extinct.
democracy is participation in power.

i think youre quite right ppl dont want to be free; ppl want to follow orders quite often. the question is why and like i said i would go back to people not being able to make good decisions for themselves under this matrix.

one of my own thoughts is doing as youre told on the job is comparable to listening to mom and dad as a kid.

im not sure what the constitution has to do with democracy working. founding fathers didnt like democracy bc they knew the masses would seek to redistribute wealth. but im sure we can agree the constitution and democracy are both in rough shape these days.


I'm a star
democracy is participation in power.

i think youre quite right ppl dont want to be free; ppl want to follow orders quite often. the question is why and like i said i would go back to people not being able to make good decisions for themselves under this matrix.
It's also possible, and I believe more likely, that people's inability to make good decisions create the matrix, not vice versa.

one of my own thoughts is doing as youre told on the job is comparable to listening to mom and dad as a kid.
Sure, because people expect their employers to take care of all their problems. You get hurt on the job because of your own stupid action, you expect your employer to pay for it, and you demand the government create the system to force them to. You act like a child, you get treated like a child.

im not sure what the constitution has to do with democracy working. founding fathers didnt like democracy bc they knew the masses would seek to redistribute wealth. but im sure we can agree the constitution and democracy are both in rough shape these days.

It's about the recognition of rights and equality under the law. There were a lot of compromises that had to be made because everyone at the convention had an equal vote. If the constitution is not perfect it's exactly because of democracy. Even then we've had centuries of the increasing infringement of our rights.


Well-Known Member
It's also possible, and I believe more likely, that people's inability to make good decisions create the matrix, not vice versa.

Sure, because people expect their employers to take care of all their problems. You get hurt on the job because of your own stupid action, you expect your employer to pay for it, and you demand the government create the system to force them to. You act like a child, you get treated like a child.

It's about the recognition of rights and equality under the law. There were a lot of compromises that had to be made because everyone at the convention had an equal vote. If the constitution is not perfect it's exactly because of democracy. Even then we've had centuries of the increasing infringement of our rights.
employers shouldnt be putting employees in dangerous situations in the first place.

its true most ppl act like children.

americans only had more and more rights since the founding until recently id say because they fought for it by movements. madison designed the govt so the wealthy had the power bc they were considered responsible. the senate was not elected, it was selected by the wealthy. the constitution was set up to prevent democracy from taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. aristotle said the exact same thing would happen. but aristotle proposed a welfare state to reduce inequality whereas madison diverged and proposed to reduce democracy. so im not so sure how much the constitution is there to protect democracy. theres some good stuff in there no doubt. but its very outdated too. you couldnt get into the EU with that document; it wouldnt pass their standards.

i agree the matrix exists bc not enough ppl make good decisions in the sense of rebelling against it and seeking to get rid of it.


Well-Known Member
No way in hell that’s true. Lol
heres some facts.

bill clinton was the first democratic to take bribes on par with his republican contender. prior to that, republicans always took more bribes or "fundraising" if that makes more sense. obama took even more bribes than mccain in 2008. this hasnt happened before.