I am Retired

Mike Dupre

New Member
I gave 41 years and 9 months to that awful place. Anything that anyone of you have experienced or gone through, I have been through and can feel your pain. Here's the deal...if you're young and have been at UPS for a short time-GET OUT! If you have been an employee for a while, stick it out. I am collecting almost $7000 per month for a well-deserved pension.

After careful consideration, I realize that all of the stuff that I got upset about really didn't matter. Just work, collect your money, and make them pay. And make them pay BIG!. The rest is crap.

The Milkman

Well-Known Member
I gave 41 years and 9 months to that awful place. Anything that anyone of you have experienced or gone through, I have been through and can feel your pain. Here's the deal...if you're young and have been at UPS for a short time-GET OUT! If you have been an employee for a while, stick it out. I am collecting almost $7000 per month for a well-deserved pension.

After careful consideration, I realize that all of the stuff that I got upset about really didn't matter. Just work, collect your money, and make them pay. And make them pay BIG!. The rest is crap.

Why did you put in so many years? I hung it up as soon as possible. Been out 9 years already and turning 65 in May. No guarantees of the amount of time you have left on this planet, so earlier the better.