Informing someone.

How would you proceed?

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Well-Known Member
This question is mainly for shop stewards but would like other people's opinion as well.

So you are informed by your manager that a employee is suspected of dishonesty and essentially stealing. He informs you that he will need you to show up early tomorrow because the employee has already left for the day.

My question is do you do your best to contact the employee that night and inform him of the situation and give him ample time to prepare for the morning.


Do you inform him in the morning before the meeting.


Retired 23 years
Is there even any doubt? If the guy is innocent give him a chance to get his facts in order before he is blindsided. If he is guilty and they have proof he is toast anyway.


Well-Known Member
Is there even any doubt? If the guy is innocent give him a chance to get his facts in order before he is blindsided. If he is guilty and they have proof he is toast anyway.

I agree. Which is what I brought up to the shop steward. I gave him the driver's number. His excuse for not wanting to call is because it has backfired on him before.


Well-Known Member
Your steward needs to decide who's side he's on?

He's not a bad steward to be honest. I asked the question because he wouldn't elaborate on how he was burned before. Thought maybe some other steward might have insight on why it may be a bad idea.


IE boogeyman
oh god no keep your mouth shut

there are a million ways he could throw you under the bus

if he or she is innocent they'll have time to defend themselves later, if they plan on walking you out for stealing it's because they have a mountain of evidence and one night of prep isn't going to save you


Well-Known Member
oh god no keep your mouth shut

there are a million ways he could throw you under the bus

if he or she is innocent they'll have time to defend themselves later, if they plan on walking you out for stealing it's because they have a mountain of evidence and one night of prep isn't going to save you
A mountain of evidence.... Lol not always..


Well-Known Member
Ups will go on a fishing expedition and play "wanna be police interrogators".

Iv seen it happen my self. Quite a few guys have gotten fired for "stealing time"

Magically all of them we're back, most with back pay. Their cases are usually crap.


Light 'em up!
oh god no keep your mouth shut

You must not be a Steward. And if you are, you are on the Company side.

there are a million ways he could throw you under the bus

There is not one way at all. The Company cannot do a thing to you for giving the guy a heads up the night before.

if they plan on walking you out for stealing it's because they have a mountain of evidence and one night of prep isn't going to save you

It is not the idea of prep, it is the idea of giving the employee a heads up so that he does not come into the meeting "blind."


Resident Suit
I know people.... We can make that