Little Help Needed


Monday morning at 8am I begin my 3 day driving school class. I have been given a sheet of paper that contains the DOKs I am supposed to have memorized for my first day as I will be tested on my memory of these at the beginning of the class.

Ok folks, really? Pretty in depth items with a lot of narrative to go with it. How did you fare with this exercise and was it a show stopper for anyone? It has been quite along while since I have had to memorize something like this in the short time. What happens if I cannot nail this at the beginning of class? Pack up and go home?

Your thoughts and insights would be greatly appreciated.

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Oh Yeah
Yeah DOK stuff is pretty freakin gay huh? So gay that they try n make everybody memorize it. During class memorize it any way you can, or pack your bags goodbye, sad reality of it dude.


Thank you for the reply. Looks like my Saturday and Sunday are now spoken for. Already have put it down due to some frustration but still have a lot of time. Thanks again.

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Well-Known Member
Someone recently posted that they DQ'ed themselves because of the DOK. Don't be that guy. Search BC, and you will find a lot of good advice on techniques.


Do the memory work in blocks or sections until you have it all learned.

Absolute best way to test yourself is to take a blank piece of paper and write it out from memory. When you can do that, you have it.


That’s Craptacular
If you want the job badly can memorize it, plain and simple. It all depends on how much effort you put into it. Memorizing dok will be the easiest part of your new job...just sayin.


Plenty of opportunities in fast food, and the only thing you will have to remember there is: "You want fries with that?"


70K to 100K? Need to move there. I'm working on studying it. I won't give up. It just seems as though it has been in the same verbiage for a long time. Being in fast food for many years and studying all of the food requirements and laws, they did go to class to teach you these things and not just give you a paper and say here, read, study, memorize to quote it. Thought that is what school was for. To teach, learn and apply.


Bite your tongue, Missy
I tell the new guys to say it out loud to memorize it the same way they'd talk about anything that interests them, sports ,fishing,etc. Do it as though you're tell a different person the same story. Repetition will get it to stick in the brain.
Once you're off probation you can go brain dead like the rest of us.


cap'n crunch
I was there a long time, and I, like everyone else who works there, had to memorize stuff to get the job. They have added several lists since I started, like 10 point commentary and lifting. You will be asked at least several times a year to recite these lists. Having said that, I probably couldn't remember any of them word for word if asked to do so at this time. I'm old, remember.


I was there a long time, and I, like everyone else who works there, had to memorize stuff to get the job. They have added several lists since I started, like 10 point commentary and lifting. You will be asked at least several times a year to recite these lists. Having said that, I probably couldn't remember any of them word for word if asked to do so at this time. I'm old, remember.

I'm old too so I completely understand.