Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
It appears that IBT Airline Division Director David Bourne doesn’t want to make waves for UPS, because too much is at stake, not for the UPS mechanics, but for the number of new members the Teamsters could acquire from FedEx. It is in the Teamsters best interest to play it cool with UPS as they both wait for a ruling on whether FedEx will fall under the N.L.R.A. or R.L.A.

Warren Johnson stated, “The NMB sets the pace and timing of negotiations, not participants”, with that said, how is it that the Launch had the next negotiations date of January 5th,2010 set in print before last weeks negotiations on Nov 6th were completed? It’s a repeat of the 2008 peek negotiations all over again. Even with the NMB being under an Obama administration, things haven’t changed.

The Teamsters did not ask to be released when the company walked out of negotiations over a month ago. With the conclusion of last weeks negotiations, the NMB said that progress was made in the form of tentative agreements on a number of open issues, so will a release be granted at peek? Not likely. It looks like the Teamsters were duked again.
OBI-WAN this is a STAR TREK thread!


Well-Known Member
Hey, leave these guys alone! Can't you see the struggle is taking it's toll on them???
I don't need your help. I have these guys right where I want them.
Next contract we're going to fight for making them wash those T-shirts!!

Skyking, how long do I have to keep following you around at SDF?

Not much longer. As soon as we get our agreement in Jan things will be back to normal.

BTW- You can't be following me around, I'm invisible. SDF has some of the best hiding places ever! I see you waddling around but you still can't find me!

If you want to bird dog someone go to Wall-mart....Unionboy is there handing out coupons.

Dis-organized Labor

Not much longer. As soon as we get our agreement in Jan things will be back to normal.

BTW- You can't be following me around, I'm invisible. SDF has some of the best hiding places ever! I see you waddling around but you still can't find me!

If you want to bird dog someone go to Wall-mart....Unionboy is there handing out coupons.

I'm sitting in a car all night with my binoculars, stopwatch and camera.


Well-Known Member
Another inspirational hotline message delivered by an inept pig farmer. While mechanics are marched off property our E-board sits by. While this E-board sits in hiding. We go un-represented as UPS conducts kangaroo courts with our members on trumped up charges.

Time has come for change. Time to take control of our Union.


Well-Known Member
The hotline stated that we are in the process of being released to strike.

And what is up with the interest in the MOU again? I may be wrong but all of the gateways mentioned have had huge amounts of overtime or broke planes. Looks like the company is trying to get some part timers to staff for peak? If they grant one MOU, they can call and ask layed off mechanics to work part time in these gateways.

#&$* THEM! Got That?

We pray to God that He may lead our soldiers on the path and bless them as hitherto.
-Adolf Hitler


Well-Known Member
And what is up with the interest in the MOU again? I may be wrong but all of the gateways mentioned have had huge amounts of overtime or broke planes. Looks like the company is trying to get some part timers to staff for peak? If they grant one MOU, they can call and ask layed off mechanics to work part time in these gateways.

#&$* THEM! Got That?

We pray to God that He may lead our soldiers on the path and bless them as hitherto.
-Adolf Hitler

The MOU was a UPS scam that the E-board bought hook,line and sinker. UPS's ultimate goal is to have a part time workforce and oncall maintenance. Why this E-board would accept a deal that reduceses this workforce to part time job sharing and oncall maintenance is another example of their incompetance.

Combine's only concern now is saving face. He must take us out on strike in order save face....and that is what UPS wants! Combine will walk right into UPS's trap and grant them the ability to lock us out and impose their CONTRACT.


Well-Known Member
The hotline stated that we are in the process of being released to strike.

Airbusfxr, at this point do you really feel that UPS cares if we get released? Is it not to their advantage for us to be released? With the luke warm backing from Bourne we are at great risk if a release is granted. UPS will lock us out if released. UPS will bite the bullit to send a message Teamsters in 2013. UPS will impose "their" contract if released. This E-board has shot its last load! They lack credibilty with the Membership, IBT, UPS. the public and the Mediator.

Forcing the issue will be far worse that stalling until we get a new E-board. You seem to have some insight on the E-board. Do you think this is a sound strategy?


Well-Known Member
The hotline stated that we are in the process of being released to strike.

You need to quit listening to everything on that hotline message. Go to Teamster.org for the real story. We will have a contract in Jan! Disregard the following video! It was made before we got our contract. Funny how everything got crazy there for a while!


Dis-organized Labor

The MOU was a UPS scam that the E-board bought hook,line and sinker. UPS's ultimate goal is to have a part time workforce and oncall maintenance. Why this E-board would accept a deal that reduceses this workforce to part time job sharing and oncall maintenance is another example of their incompetance.

Combine's only concern now is saving face. He must take us out on strike in order save face....and that is what UPS wants! Combine will walk right into UPS's trap and grant them the ability to lock us out and impose their CONTRACT.

Oh, I forgot ACE!!

The MOU was a 2727 proposal, not the Company's.
Bob originally asked that Heavy MX be brought to SDF. I hate to criticize him, but that was not the most brilliant solution. That will never happen; costs too much and then we'd end up like other, legacy Airlines.....Broke.
I think the 3 of 3 video with Haysley talking to some kid sums it all up.
After watching that piece of art, I searched for a message and I think you can guess what I found.
Who would you propose to be in the e-board?
How about You, CookDaddy, SKYKING, and I can be the new Labor guy?
AIRBUSFKR???? I don't know. I think he's RH>
Have a great weekend!!!:peaceful
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Dis-organized Labor

You need to quit listening to everything on that hotline message. Go to Teamster.org for the real story. We will have a contract in Jan! Disregard the following video! It was made before we got our contract. Funny how everything got crazy there for a while!

YouTube- Think before you ship!

RIGHT NOW.......................

DOL is watching UK beating Vandy.......Go KATS!!!!:beerhat:


Well-Known Member
RIGHT NOW.......................

DOL is watching UK beating Vandy.......Go KATS!!!!:beerhat:

What a loser! All giddy about UK beating Vandy. You need to change teams. And I'm not talking about converting ACE.

Here's a video you will like. Superior Asian mechanics taking American jobs!

Thank God we will have a new contract in JAN!


Well-Known Member
At real airlines you ARE expected to be CAT and or ETOPS qualified

I'm a 15 year veteran from a "Real Airline". I left on my own accord but things are very different. Hard to compare the two.

The level of responsibility at the airlines is higher as is the level of professionalism and competence.

Well vowel sandwich - Maybe you need to take this up with HR, since they do the hiring. The union has no input in which pig farmer is hired off of which farm.

The question that you need to ask yourself is, why would the company want to send the work over there? Do you think it's because THEY aren't getting it done or is it because YOU aren't getting it done?

Hello...... Mc Fly, we are in contract negotiations...... Hello?

The MOU was a UPS scam that the E-board bought hook,line and sinker. UPS's ultimate goal is to have a part time workforce and oncall maintenance. Why this E-board would accept a deal that reduces this workforce to part time job sharing and oncall maintenance is another example of their incompetence.

I don't have a problem with the MOU as it was to be used. Again the E-board did not enforce it to be carried out correctly. It was supposed to save jobs! Now it is going to be used as a vehicle to merely cover Peak!

The Danube as an important waterway is thus safeguarded against any further act of sabotage. Traffic has been resumed in full.
-Adolf Hitler
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Well-Known Member
Hey DOL! Thanks for the positive Rep Power. I have not lost my sense of humor, I even found this old video of you and Unionboy playing hanger pilot!
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Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot ACE!!

The MOU was a 2727 proposal, not the Company's.
Bob originally asked that Heavy MX be brought to SDF. I hate to criticize him, but that was not the most brilliant solution. That will never happen; costs too much and then we'd end up like other, legacy Airlines.....Broke.
I think the 3 of 3 video with Haysley talking to some kid sums it all up.
After watching that piece of art, I searched for a message and I think you can guess what I found.
Who would you propose to be in the e-board?
How about You, CookDaddy, SKYKING, and I can be the new Labor guy?
AIRBUSFKR???? I don't know. I think he's RH>
Have a great weekend!!!:peaceful

There are in fact professional mechanics in our ranks that know how to run a Local and negotiate industry leading contracts. UPS really became bold when our current cast of amatures were elected into office. The next E-board won't be such an easy touch.

I know you like to blame this membership for all you woe's, but this thing is getting out of control mainly because of the poor management. You guys don't know whats coming or going. Your lack of leadership from the top has created a toxic enviroment that breeds hate and distrust.

The Airline management team is nothing more than misfits and castoffs from other airlines...keystone cops trying to run an airline. Please tell me of ONE upper management person that would make it at a real airline, or one that could actually tell me have to fix an airplane.


Well-Known Member
Hey dysfuntional manager, ask the american Haeco sups if they have been invited back after peak, it might amaze you that your jobs are being taken away. Now we will have no US based sup watching over heavy maint. Scary thought.

Dis-organized Labor

Hey dysfuntional manager, ask the american Haeco sups if they have been invited back after peak, it might amaze you that your jobs are being taken away. Now we will have no US based sup watching over heavy maint. Scary thought.

Hey Airbusfkr.
I know what you mean and I see your point. (In fact, I may actually agree)
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