Local 2727 UPDATE

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Well-Known Member
DOL....any words of wisdom? What going on with all these FEDs on the line in SDF? Lots of things being missed and not written up for fear of getting warning letters.

Dis-organized Labor

DOL....any words of wisdom? What going on with all these FEDs on the line in SDF? Lots of things being missed and not written up for fear of getting warning letters.

I don't know anything about what is happenong at SDF.

Wisdom???? I'm honored; but have none that you'd appreciate.

All I can ask is to move the airplanes and not engage in any activities that would not be in the best interest of the company.

Please don't take this in any way other than positively.




Well-Known Member
Dysfuntional Manager, if you a manager, why are you out of the loop on info? I have received phone calls and emails and in person talks with numerous mechanics and utitilies about YOU. Some think you are a sep sup, some say you are a ground sup, some say you are even a mechanic stirring the pot. You always want planes moved and overlooked and for us to just "accept a pay cut" and pay for health care, etc etc etc. No matter what, we are not taking a pay cut, giving retro to grade 20s, paying for health care, and giving our work away.


Well-Known Member
The FAA classifies "small things" as a log book item. Company and FAA documents state that all discrepancies "shall be noted in the logbook".
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Well-Known Member
The warden is suspiciously absent from today's call. Ian Watson, hasn't been on call for years!

How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross.
-Adolf Hitler

Dis-organized Labor

Dysfuntional Manager, if you a manager, why are you out of the loop on info? I told you I'm on vacation. I don't know that there are more Feds at SDF. I have received phone calls and emails and in person talks with numerous mechanics and utitilies about YOU. What's your #?
Numerous? There's only about four or five of you guys on this thread.
Some think you are a sep sup, some say you are a ground sup, some say you are even a mechanic stirring the pot. Keep guessing.
You always want planes moved and overlooked Overlooked? When did I say that? and for us to just "accept a pay cut" Never said this either and pay for health care, just about the whole nation contributes to their health plans. It was never an "entitlement". etc etc etc. No matter what, we are not taking a pay cut, giving retro to grade 20s, paying for health care, and giving our work away. We'll see what happens

Dis-organized Labor

The FAA classifies "small things" as a log book item. Company and FAA documents state that all discrepancies "shall be noted in the logbook".
How can an old airplane meet the same standards as a brand new one. What would you do if it was YOUR personal airline?
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Well-Known Member
Dysfuntional Manager, there are more people reading this thread than you think. We have a larger network of mechanics on a secure website and also we also talk and email (about you guys) away from work and BC.


Well-Known Member
Dysfuntional Manager, if you a manager, why are you out of the loop on info? I have received phone calls and emails and in person talks with numerous mechanics and utitilies about YOU. Some think you are a sep sup, some say you are a ground sup, some say you are even a mechanic stirring the pot. You always want planes moved and overlooked and for us to just "accept a pay cut" and pay for health care, etc etc etc. No matter what, we are not taking a pay cut, giving retro to grade 20s, paying for health care, and giving our work away.

DOL...Did Airbusfxr just bust you? Time to come clean. I don't know of any "line" guys working out of the Air Group Building. Who are you really?
I'm glad you're back.

HOAX: CONTROL THIS THREAD............Whahhhhhh......

Ace is the Key!!

Here we go again, DOL is still looking for ACE. airbusfxr is furious with DOL. the vids say it all, our leadership is a joke. we want Joe back, maybe DOL can start looking for him. ACE please supply us with more vids, about the contract negotions. yee haw . we need some new info on the guys in EWR. i love this thread, man. can't stay away and i'm getting real thirsty for a drink at stooges, i hope ACE and DOL and airbusfxr and hoax and skyking will be there. this is the december to dismember


Well-Known Member
Since negotiations are on hold until 2010, I might as well waste some time as well.


Dis-organized Labor

DOL...Did Airbusfxr just bust you? Time to come clean. I don't know of any "line" guys working out of the Air Group Building. Who are you really?
I'm exactly who I've always said I was. I'm a manager in the Airline.
In fact, you probably know me:wink2:

Dis-organized Labor

Here we go again, DOL is still looking for ACE. airbusfxr is furious with DOL. the vids say it all, our leadership is a joke. we want Joe back, maybe DOL can start looking for him. ACE please supply us with more vids, about the contract negotions. yee haw . we need some new info on the guys in EWR. i love this thread, man. can't stay away and i'm getting real thirsty for a drink at stooges, i hope ACE and DOL and airbusfxr and hoax and skyking will be there. this is the december to dismember

The video of Rob being driven around and talking about T shirts was the most memorable part of November for me!!:happy-very:
Oh and the part about finding $500 on the ground. Priceless!
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Active Member
The video of Rob being driven around and talking about T shirts was the most memorable part of November for me!!:happy-very:
Oh and the part about finding $500 on the ground. Priceless!

Tee shirt freedom and finding money on the ground, AWESOME!!

Hey I have an idea... lets protest some of our customers, then they can put pressure on UPS to give us a big raise... (they wouldn't switch to FEDEX would they? Fewer customers will mean more jobs and higher pay, right?)

Maybe if we slow down or don't do our work, UPS will stop contracting it out... (They'll see how seriously we take the "struggle" and admire our passion)

I'm sure the protests and slow downs will get our "brothers and sisters" back to work in no time, and isn't that what it's all about? (Remember the guy with the sick wife? He doesn't mind prolonging the struggle, if it means Airbusfixer gets his retro pay) (And the 4 guys fired from EWR, they sure showed UPS who was boss, Merry Christmas kids)

This is a "struggle" for the ages. Future generations will look back at this and say it was our finest hour.


kicked to the curb!!!
It took a while but word has come in about the 4 guys from EWR. Word is UPS will have egg on its face! OK so the 4 tech's were walked out,no ability to get there jobs back until Jan??? Company too busy to meet with the local. The guys were ready and able to work but they had NO Supervision and NO plan as to who is to do what. So UPS feel's the tech's must take on the sup's job as well as their jobs. Oh and if you make the wrong call or work on the wrong item....off with your head. The truth will come out as to the question who was not working or more importantly who was actually at work and working in the interest of the company! UPS can't go after a sup...so lets push blame on the guys. So now I hope these guy's are at home for the holidays and when the record is set straight they will get full back pay and return very disgruntled I am sure. Nice going, way to run an air operation. Cut lots of guys from a gateway but don't cut any management and yet still can't have someone show up to Supervise!!! Think what would happen at SDF if the techs were at work and no sup's were in to give assignments? Dammed if you do (52 warning letters handed out just a few weeks ago) and here we see dammed if you don't....:wink2:
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