Midterm Elections: Countdown to Tuesday, November 8, 2022


Well-Known Member
Because Wyoming is 90% Republican and the Wyoming Republican Party had already kicked her out. She only got as many as she did because thousands of Democrats registered as Republicans to vote for her.
But if Democrats are in control of all voting machines why couldn't they fix?
and toss her in the trash when they're done with her
But we're not done using her. We needed another 2 years out of her.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
But if Democrats are in control of all voting machines why couldn't they fix?
Why would Democrats be in charge of all voting machines in a state that's 90% Republican? Did the Democrats take Wyoming in 2020? Nope. To be clear we aren't worried about Democrats controlling ALL voting machines. Our concern was things were rigged in some swing states that the ultimate winner had to win. We were concerned about rigged machines, counts that didn't allow observers, phony ballots slipped in, and changing rules at the last minute by people other than state legislators(required by state constitutions) that favored the Democrats. There were a !ot of anomalies in the counts that statistically were about about impossible like entire districts that had substantial Republican voting in the past that went entirely or almost entirely for Biden. Suggests the voting machines may have been manipulated. These are the kind of things that we wanted the courts to look at but they refused to get involved. And state legislators in a number of states have since shored up voting security which has the Democrats crying foul. If there's no cheating involved I would think the Democrats would welcome election integrity and voting security. There's a reason that European countries stopped using mail in voting and went back to paper ballots cast on election day. They found there was too much fraud involved. Imagine that.


Well-Known Member
She’s useless on the TV and would have been a lot more valuable in office.
she's on par with most of the mushroom heads you have on those shows. she'll perform like the other canaries and they'll love having her on there pretending to be a republican who sings like a democrat.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Why is it when elections go the way Republicans want them to there is never a whisper of Voter Fraud. Had she won the Trumpers would be screaming FRAUD!! lol
One thing about blowout elections, they eliminate any chance of "finding ballots" conveniently in heavily democratic areas. This was a slaughter.



There's part of the problem if you're listening to Scarborough.


Why is it when elections go the way Republicans want them to there is never a whisper of Voter Fraud. Had she won the Trumpers would be screaming FRAUD!! lol

When Democrats engage in voter fraud, its far more specific and focused in critical areas than a lot of right-wingers think. What's the point of engaging in voter fraud in a state that has a population half the size of Nassau County for a candidate that both parties don't like?
It's akin to spending huge amounts of resources to try and get Beto O'Rourke elected to anything meaningful in Texas. Commit fraud where it counts and where the consequences will be felt.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
When Democrats engage in voter fraud, its far more specific and focused in critical areas than a lot of right-wingers think. What's the point of engaging in voter fraud in a state that has a population half the size of Nassau County for a candidate that both parties don't like?
It's akin to spending huge amounts of resources to try and get Beto O'Rourke elected to anything meaningful in Texas. Commit fraud where it counts and where the consequences will be felt.
Wyoming only has about a million people, 70 percent Republican. The outcome was inevitable. How would they pull it off? And like you said, why there?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
When Democrats engage in voter fraud, its far more specific and focused in critical areas than a lot of right-wingers think. What's the point of engaging in voter fraud in a state that has a population half the size of Nassau County for a candidate that both parties don't like?
It's akin to spending huge amounts of resources to try and get Beto O'Rourke elected to anything meaningful in Texas. Commit fraud where it counts and where the consequences will be felt.
In Paterson, NJ during covid vote by mail, two Dem campaigns were stealing ballots right out of the mail truck.