New delivery service?


Well-Known Member
When did we start taking packages into customers homes. Had a delivery today from Mom's meals with a label on it telling service provider to knock loudly and wait for customer to come to door. Assist customer by taking package inside for them. I was always told not to enter the customers home. Anyone else have any of these?

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Well-Known Member
Since when did Mom Meals become your boss? Don't go in. It's like the packages that have "get signature" hand written on the box. Sorry but your not my boss, you want a signature then pay for the service. Knock DR, bye bye.


swollen member
had a delivery today to a nursing home for "mental" people... supplies for one of the residents, I left them at the nursing station. One of the nurses asked me to take it to patients room, told her "I'm sorry, I can't do that" she asked why... what I wanted to tell her " It's your fukin job, you want me to feed the guy too??" but told her, "my management told me that it's too much of a liability"


Staff member
Don't even do that. I push it as far indie as my arms can reach. I don't step foot inside. Only rare occasion would be for elderly people.
The vast majority of Moms meals go to the elderly. We always took them inside if the consignee requested it. Hard to say no to an 85 year old grandmother. I would understand not doing it, but I did.


Well-Known Member
When it said I would carry it in for elderly people I meant for heavy boxes. If she has a qvc bag I am not going to carry it inside when she says "come in" just because she's old.

What if she calls in sexual harrasment. What's worse being fired or the other drivers hearing you sexually harassed a 85 year old?