New Video! Scary Vibe of a Potential Strike



Well-Known Member
In 1997, I was in the New Orleans building. A month before the strike, package car drivers were openly laughing at me because I was saying there would be a strike. Management "loud capped" and laughed because I wanted to sell my UPS stock to have money for the strike. "UPS has NEVER had a strike in it's history. This will be resolved." First few days into strike everyone was still laughing "because the strike wouldn't last long." About Wednesday of the second week, the weak broke and started to cross the picket line.

Now, all these years later, every single guy that laughed at me, now has a revised memory where they knew there was going to be a strike too. I could tell from that look in their eyes :D in 97, pure fear, they were unprepared.

If a strike hits, react immediately and start looking for side job when you aren't scheduled to be on the picket line. I worked for fired UPS driver that had started his own courier service.

For me, a guy that was prepared, the worst part was not the strike but the loss in feeder jobs after the strike. I got sent back to packages. I wasn't prepared for that.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
John was correct. That was a scary feeling when Carey said we are going on strike.

I remember a couple of days before the strike saying to a feeder driver.. quote: “ Carey is going to it”. Both of us just smiled like a Cheshire Cat…it was way overdue in “97”.

If you think management was arrogant today, not even close to the ones in the mid nineties. We had some real winners. We had a couple of of them walk to the picket line and gloat, we ignored them, but there were two other members from another barn that were about to dance a jig on their faces. We settled then down before it got real.

It was a couple of years after they went public and we’re feeling their oats. The real A holes stayed in their offices, only the likable young on cars and a couple of snotty nosed part time supervisors drove past the picket lines to deliver their 20 air packages. They quit driving after the first couple of days.