Starting back on August 1, 2014, My hub in Oklahoma City banned double shifting. The only double shifting that was allowed was preload and package pullers, is what I believe their position is called. So, except for peak season, no one on twilight or midnight is allowed to double on either shift. I’ve heard different reasons as to why. One being that the Union was demanding to make more full time positions since us part timers are basically working 8 hour days all the time. So UPS said no more double shifting. Another reason is that our hub cost the company over three million dollars from damaged extendos and trucks from a fire about five years ago. I never really got a straight answer, but I’ve been told by stewards and other full time sups that our hub is basically the only hub that bans double shifting throughout the whole year. The first year of the ban a lot of people filed griveances for supervisors working and got a lot of money, but UPS still hasn’t budged on this. Does anyone have any info or input on this?