Nothingness Fluff ,part 2

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Resident Suit
Well that's just one of the reasons we could all do without those useless, micro-managing c*suckers but we both know that's not going to happen.
Another double edged sword. There are some good things they do. We need goals. But the problem is the goals we have to hit and the goals where we make money are so different that it's absurd.


Resident Suit
Are you actually saying they set goals for you where you lose but the numbers look better somehow?
No. There are two plans for the numbers. There is the business plan, and then the plan we see. The business plan is what we need to break-even or make a little money. And then the plans we have to use are the set goals for the year.

So it is very possible to miss our numbers by a lot, but still make money. Depends on how aggressive people have been with the numbers in years past.
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