Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Engorged Member
And here comes your 19th nervous breakdown.

Actually, AOC is your nervous breakdown. 2018 midterms were a referendum on Trump, and he didn't fare well. Assuming he survives, 2020 will slam him further.

She is too far Left for me, but the big scary deal for Republicans is that AOC represents changing US demographics, aka the browning of America, which terrifies Conservatives. For every Nunes or Cruz there are 3 or 4 AOCs. The numbers don't look good for you.

The Religious Right and Mitch McConnell understand this fully, and they're going for every judge and appointment position possible because they can read the tea leaves.


Well-Known Member
Actually, AOC is your nervous breakdown. 2018 midterms were a referendum on Trump, and he didn't fare well. Assuming he survives, 2020 will slam him further.

She is too far Left for me, but the big scary deal for Republicans is that AOC represents changing US demographics, aka the browning of America, which terrifies Conservatives. For every Nunes or Cruz there are 3 or 4 AOCs. The numbers don't look good for you.

The Religious Right and Mitch McConnell understand this fully, and they're going for every judge and appointment position possible because they can read the tea leaves.
the thing that terrifies the socialists is the facists which are on the rise as well...


Strength through joy
It is going to cause a lot of confusion if Robert Francis wins the nod from the Dems.
Everyone will be looking for Beto on their ballots.


Well-Known Member
Actually, AOC is your nervous breakdown. 2018 midterms were a referendum on Trump, and he didn't fare well. Assuming he survives, 2020 will slam him further.

She is too far Left for me, but the big scary deal for Republicans is that AOC represents changing US demographics, aka the browning of America, which terrifies Conservatives. For every Nunes or Cruz there are 3 or 4 AOCs. The numbers don't look good for you.

The Religious Right and Mitch McConnell understand this fully, and they're going for every judge and appointment position possible because they can read the tea leaves.
A liberal talking about racism? No way! Look, over there, a racist! Oh no, there's one behind me! Wait, they're everywhere! Aieeeeeee!!!!!


Got the T-Shirt


Engorged Member
Probably just in your neighborhood.

You wish. However you want to spin it, Whites are becoming a minority in many parts of the country, particularly the Southwest. Your hero spins this to his base in his usual ways, and you eat it up.

However, the demographics are changing, and not in favor of the GOP. Mitch knows it, and Trump's handlers try to explain it to him. Fortunately, for them, he already has the mindset and attitudes necessary to spread discontent and hate.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
You wish. However you want to spin it, Whites are becoming a minority in many parts of the country, particularly the Southwest. Your hero spins this to his base in his usual ways, and you eat it up.

However, the demographics are changing, and not in favor of the GOP. Mitch knows it, and Trump's handlers try to explain it to him. Fortunately, for them, he already has the mindset and attitudes necessary to spread discontent and hate.
Your rational and thoughtful discourse has convinced me to vote for Trump in spite of my opinion that he’s a coarse and vain persona.
Unless and until you and your ilk provide me with an acceptable alternative, my course is set.