Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


Well-Known Member
Actually, AOC is your nervous breakdown. 2018 midterms were a referendum on Trump, and he didn't fare well. Assuming he survives, 2020 will slam him further.

She is too far Left for me, but the big scary deal for Republicans is that AOC represents changing US demographics, aka the browning of America, which terrifies Conservatives. For every Nunes or Cruz there are 3 or 4 AOCs. The numbers don't look good for you.

The Religious Right and Mitch McConnell understand this fully, and they're going for every judge and appointment position possible because they can read the tea leaves.

this is great news for the republicans. AOC does not know anything about separation of powers nor the 22nd amendment.

god is being good to the republicans if she is representative of the new democrats.


Well-Known Member
You wish. However you want to spin it, Whites are becoming a minority in many parts of the country, particularly the Southwest. Your hero spins this to his base in his usual ways, and you eat it up.

However, the demographics are changing, and not in favor of the GOP. Mitch knows it, and Trump's handlers try to explain it to him. Fortunately, for them, he already has the mindset and attitudes necessary to spread discontent and hate.

you libs always speak in colors .


Engorged Member
you libs always speak in colors .

Here's another color...green. The Green New Deal was stupid. A Far Left reach that Pelosi tried to stop dead because she knew the GOP would slam Democrats for it. McConnell couldn't get a vote on it quickly enough because he saw it's political value as "socialist". AOC will figure it out soon enough and realize that going too far Left isn't going to be a winning strategy.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Here's another color...green. The Green New Deal was stupid. A Far Left reach that Pelosi tried to stop dead because she knew the GOP would slam Democrats for it. McConnell couldn't get a vote on it quickly enough because he saw it's political value as "socialist". AOC will figure it out soon enough and realize that going too far Left isn't going to be a winning strategy.
She won't figure it out.She is to full of herself and her wacky far left policies


Well-Known Member
Here's another color...green. The Green New Deal was stupid. A Far Left reach that Pelosi tried to stop dead because she knew the GOP would slam Democrats for it. McConnell couldn't get a vote on it quickly enough because he saw it's political value as "socialist". AOC will figure it out soon enough and realize that going too far Left isn't going to be a winning strategy.

I wish I shared your optimism that young lady is on a different planet. entertaining for now


Well-Known Member
I wish I shared your optimism that young lady is on a different planet. entertaining for now

I absolutely agree. AOC and her ilk are becoming the new normal.

The lunatics are running the asylum. But the U.S. doesn't hardly have looney-bins anymore, anyways. But I digress...

I'd slightly rather see mental health facilities built, staffed, and occupied sooner than a border wall.

Had more of those facilities existed, (rather than being shut down during the Reagan era) that alone would've nipped alot of far-left looney types in the bud before their parents had a chance to find each-other, flop behind a dumpster, and conceive.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree. AOC and her ilk are becoming the new normal.

They’re steaming their stupid woke train right toward the end of the tracks and over a cliff edge. They cannot win the purple states they need to get to 270 next year with the game plan they seem to be running right now. The crazy :censored2: just won’t fly with moderates.

Making moderates choose between a Democratic Socialist (Bernie) and Trump also wouldn’t work out in the Democrats’ favor.


Strength through joy
Any news on her constituents being able to get thru to her office ? Last I heard was nobody bothers to empty the full voice mail.


Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Nancy Pelosi just trolled Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Again.


Sounds like Nancy wants the Democrats to win the next Presidential election.

“Asked about the difficulties of governing a caucus in the House that is being challenged at every turn by AOC and others like her -- liberals elected in the past few cycles who are deeply skeptical of the party establishment -- Pelosi said this: "While there are people who have a large number of Twitter followers, what's important is that we have large numbers of votes on the floor of the House."


Well-Known Member
Nancy Pelosi just trolled Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Again.


Sounds like Nancy wants the Democrats to win the next Presidential election.

“Asked about the difficulties of governing a caucus in the House that is being challenged at every turn by AOC and others like her -- liberals elected in the past few cycles who are deeply skeptical of the party establishment -- Pelosi said this: "While there are people who have a large number of Twitter followers, what's important is that we have large numbers of votes on the floor of the House."
I ignore anything Chris Cillizza has to say.

Everyone should.