Ocasio-Cortez and the “socialist” left


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
Doesn't deserve an answer.

Isn't that in the Bible?
Actually , it is not in the Bible, you knew that however.
The scripture says we were formed from the dust.
You are smart enough to figure that out. No oceans no whatever involved.

Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.


Well-Known Member
Actually , it is not in the Bible, you knew that however.
The scripture says we were formed from the dust.
You are smart enough to figure that out. No oceans no whatever involved.

Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
I will argue the original language, but it all points to clay/mud. Surely you aren’t that ignorant?


Well-Known Member
I will argue the original language, but it all points to clay/mud. Surely you aren’t that ignorant?
Actually you are incorrect, not only was the ground specifically noted, the oceans which did exist were not, and water of any type was not as well. Dust is dust, oceans are oceans, mud is mud.
Dust is basically ground, void of water.
Take the water out of the origin of species, and it does not exist.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Actually you are incorrect, not only was the ground specifically noted, the oceans which did exist were not, and water of any type was not as well. Dust is dust, oceans are oceans, mud is mud.
Dust is basically ground, void of water.
Take the water out of the origin of species, and it does not exist.

I like to think the talking snake sounded a lot like Cobra Commander when he was conversing with Adam and Eve. Is there any mention in the text of what the snake actually sounded like when he talked?


Well-Known Member
I like to think the talking snake sounded a lot like Cobra Commander when he was conversing with Adam and Eve. Is there any mention in the text of what the snake actually sounded like when he talked?
Not that I know of, my guess is it sounded like James Carville, you know, Serpent Head


El Correcto

god is dead
You probably have no idea what’s in it. No you’re a condensending bourgeois lib I’ve read it and it’s a terrible idea. William Nordhaus’s dice model would call this plan a stinker and he is pro regulation.

Now the libs are trying to blame news coverage for this :censored2: show not being taken seriously. Very sad and delusional.


Staff member
You probably have no idea what’s in it. No you’re a condensending bourgeois lib I’ve read it and it’s a terrible idea. William Nordhaus’s dice model would call this plan a stinker and he is pro regulation.

Now the libs are trying to blame news coverage for this :censored2: show not being taken seriously. Very sad and delusional.
Enlighten us without spin.

What’s in it?

What problems does it aim to solve and how does it aim to solve them?

After that explain why it won’t work.


Engorged Member
Is CAIR a Terror Group? | National Review

This is why Ilhan is a radical. She spouts CAIR talking points and refuses to touch anything against it. She doesn’t represent Minnesota, she represent islamists.

Trump's tweet and film clips are more red meat for the base. By conflating Omar's comments and taking them out of context, Trump provides his ignorant base more fake news designed to excite and inflame them. "Boy, that Trump is sure showing them Mooslims, aint he?" No, what he's really doing is cementing the love between him and his ignorant base, or, playing really tasteless politics, which are a Trump specialty.

Meanwhile, Trump, who isn't a politician, certainly behaves like one, doesn't he? Or, more accurately, as a misinformed reality TV show host who is in way over his head.

El Correcto

god is dead
Enlighten us without spin.

What’s in it?

What problems does it aim to solve and how does it aim to solve them?

After that explain why it won’t work.
I’ve already enlightened your buddy who thought planes being eliminated was a right wing spin. I’ve posted the 6 page outline and the 14 page document. It won’t work on an economic level because it will end in massive poverty and massive government caused inflation to costs of living. People won’t let their lives be destroyed because a bartender from Bronx has an idea.