Official Portrait Unveiling Of President Obama And Michelle Obama (Art responses Only)


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Judge for yourself. I don't get the Wrigley Field thing?


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Whatever you think of the Obamas (I like them), you all know you thought those couldn’t really be the official portraits the first time you pulled out your phone and had a WTF moment. LOL

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
I wonder the chick is that sat in for Mrs. Obama. I challenge anyone to find any picture of her, (and there have been tens of thousands taken) that looks remotely like this.

I couldn’t help but think back to the 2012 story about the “amateur fresco restoration” and laugh when I saw Michelle’s painting. Especially since I seriously like both of the Obamas and have a stupid sense of humor.



BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I envy those with artistic talent, and all art has its place. Those portraits are not the type I think are worthy of the President.


Retired 23 years
The artist (?) could have used a little darker color for Michelle. She is about 2 shades too light in the portrait.

Oh Shoot

Well-Known Member
They got Barry sitting in a patch of poison ivy, like he is sitting on the toilet. His feet are not connected to his leg. Looks like a third grader doing a paint by numbers painting. Moochell's portrait is of some other woman cause it sure ain't her. Her left forearm is about 3 feet long. She also looks Hispanic not black as they lightened her up. Her dress looks like a test sheet for printer head alignment. Did you see the look on her face when she tore the sheet off that painting. Her face says it all. I am sure that was not a pleasant ride home for Barry.

They chose the artists themselves. Fitting portraits for those two. I laughed at those two so hard last night I could not go to sleep. Left is fawning all over them, I guuss no one has the nerve to tell them how bad they really are. I am just glad it is a portrait of our ex president.


golden ticket member
They got Barry sitting in a patch of poison ivy, like he is sitting on the toilet. His feet are not connected to his leg. Looks like a third grader doing a paint by numbers painting. Moochell's portrait is of some other woman cause it sure ain't her. Her left forearm is about 3 feet long. She also looks Hispanic not black as they lightened her up. Her dress looks like a test sheet for printer head alignment. Did you see the look on her face when she tore the sheet off that painting. Her face says it all. I am sure that was not a pleasant ride home for Barry.

They chose the artists themselves. Fitting portraits for those two. I laughed at those two so hard last night I could not go to sleep. Left is fawning all over them, I guuss no one has the nerve to tell them how bad they really are. I am just glad it is a portrait of our ex president.
Maybe they only asked Joy Behar's and Whoopie's opinion!!
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